Posted on 3/22/125 by Bob Magee

– Joe Tessitore welcomed everyone into the show as footage
of Bologna, Italy was shown. Jade Cargill, Liv Morgan,
Raquel Rodriguez, Braun Strowman, CM Punk, Solo Sikoa and
Jacob Fatu walking around previous in the day aired. Randy
Orton’s music hit and Orton made his entrance. The crowd was
all types of riled up.

The Randy Orton/Kevin Owens segment

A standard opening promo for WWE TV. So much so that there
really isn’t much to say about it. We all kind of figured
this was where the Orton/Owens story was going, and … well,
here we are. I’m kind of surprised there wasn’t another week
or two of sneak-attacking, but why delay the inevitable. I
get a kick out of Owens doing his fake-sincere bit. He’s
such a great actor when it comes to being a bad actor.

The crowd sang along to Orton’s song and then chanted
“Randy!” after the song stopped. Before Orton could speak,
Kevin Owens’s music hit and Owens walked into the
entranceway with a microphone. Owens said he was there to
tell Orton that Owens was wrong for attacking Orton and
hitting him with a piledriver. Owens said Cody and Sami Zayn
deserved everything he did to them, but Orton did not. Owens
said his anger made him do something he regretted and Orton
should be able to relate to that.

Owens said he’s only human and he proposed a truce with
Orton. Owens talked about leaving things in the past and
said he pulled Melo out of the ring last week to protect
Orton from himself. Owens said Orton didn’t want to go back
to the Randy Orton who kicks people in the head. Owens said
Orton has changed and grown. Owens said they should look to
the future and WrestleMania is in the future. Owens proposed
Orton teaming with Owens to become tag team champions. Owens
said they should have become tag champions already, but
their differences got in the way.

Orton responded by saying he should roll out of the ring and
beat Owens’s ass all around the arena. Orton said he had
never heard Owens admit he was wrong and said Owens could
shove his apology up his ass. Orton said Owens deserves to
get kicked in the head hard by Orton. Orton followed that up
by saying instead of it being “Fight Owens Fight,” it should
be “Bitch Owens Bitch.” Orton said he’s glad Owens dropped
him on his head because now he hears voices in his head and
at Mania, Orton said he will kick Owens’s head clean off his
shoulder. Orton’s music hit to end the segment.


Damian Priest & Jimmy Uso defeated Drew McIntyre & Shinsuske
Nakamura [7:44]

This felt oddly short. Maybe it had to do with the
commercial break in the middle of it, but these are four of
the show’s biggest consistent names (yes, Punk, Roman and
Seth are all up later, but these four guys show up on the
blue brand each week), so I expected the match to go at
least 10 minutes. Alas, it was not to be, and perhaps the
whole thing was better off for it. I like Drew getting the
best of Priest after the match without Priest really even
having a hope spot. I also liked the pre-match brawl if only
because that was the only real thing that helped heat up the
Priest/McIntyre program as those two march to WrestleMania.
In all, though, this was a pretty nothing-happening match.

As McIntyre made his entrance, Priest left the ring and
attacked McIntyre in the aisle. Nakamura followed and
eventually, hit a splash on all three guys on the outside.
The match officially started with Jimmy and Drew and Jimmy
getting the best of Drew. Before long, McIntyre came back
with a belly-to-belly suplex and the crowd seemed to really
be behind Drew, who slowed things down significantly.
Nakamura tagged in and tripped Jimmy, throwing him into the
commentary table on the outside. Nakamura followed that up
with a kick to Big Jim’s head. The show then went to a
commercial break.

Back from the break, Big Jim hit a Samoan Drop on McIntyre
and McIntyre tagged in Nakamura. Jimmy continued firing up
and kicked Nakamura before getting the hot tag to Priest,
who came in and ran Nakamura through the gauntlet. Priest
hit his version of Old School on Nakamura, but then ran into
a series of kicks from Nakamura. Priest clotheslined
Nakamura, but McIntyre broke up a pin attempt. Things broke
down and Jimmy kicked McIntyre outside the ring. Nakamura
kicked Jimmy and Priest immediately landed South Of Heaven
on Nakamura to get the win.

After the match, McIntyre attacked Priest and yelled at him.
McIntyre ultimately hit a Claymore Kick on Priest.


– Braun Strowman was shown backstage and LA Knight walked up
and said he’d keep his eye out for Strowman in his match
later. Strowman said Nick Aldis told him earlier in the day
that the winner of Strowman’s match with Fatu later will
face Knight for the U.S. title.

– A video recapping the Charlotte/Tiffy program developments
from last week aired.

The Tiffany Stratton/Charlotte split-screen interview

WWE does not do these split-screen interviews well and it
always feels like the wrestlers struggle to make any of it
compelling. At best, you get some heated exchanges that kind
of/sort of feel real; at worst, you get two people who feel
like they are reading off a teleprompter. Charlotte did her
best to shed that assumption by constantly interrupting
Stratton, but all it seemed to do was shake Stratton and
make Charlotte appear even more annoying than her character
probably wanted to be (go-away heat, as the pros say). Two
steps forward, one step back for this program. Last week’s
brawl between these two was fantastic; this third-rate CNN
Crossfire debate was not.

Tessitore conducted the interview and Tiffany started
talking, but Charlotte interrupted her, saying the queen
speaks first. Charlotte said she always brings out the best
in people and that’s why last week was the first time Tiffy
looked like a star. Charlotte said she felt sorry for
Stratton because she’s delusional in that she thinks she’s
on Charlotte’s level. Charlotte said Tiffy can’t compare
herself with Charlotte. Stratton said Charlotte used to be
one of Stratton’s biggest supporters, but now, Stratton sees
the real Charlotte.

Charlotte mocked Stratton saying she almost shed a tear for
Tiffy. Charlotte said she’s the only woman in the locker
room who will tell Stratton the truth. Stratton said all
Charlotte does is find the hottest thing and throw water on
it. Charlotte interrupted her and Stratton repeated herself.
Stratton said Charlotte is struggling to keep up with the
fans that don’t want to take Charlotte back. Stratton said
at Mania, she will prove the WWE Universe doesn’t bow to
Charlotte anymore and instead, they run on Tiffy Time. That,
thankfully, wrapped the interview.


Braun Strowman defeated Jacob Fatu via DQ [9:15]

This probably went longer than it needed to and a finish
like that didn’t do the thing any favors. I really hope this
isn’t setting up a triple threat between Knight, Fatu and
Strowman for the U.S. title at Mania. What’s wrong with a
really good one-on-one title fight? WWE seems allergic to
that approach anymore. But I digress. The long road towards
the Fatu/Sikoa break up seemed to take an accelerated step
here and I’m thankful for that. What are the odds those two
are still on the same team by the time Mania rolls around?

Strowman backed Fatu into a corner and went for a splash,
but Fatu moved and took control. Fatu ran at Strowman and
Strowman shoulder-blocked Fatu to the ground. Strowman then
ran into a big boot and a back body-drop from Strowman, who
followed that up with a clothesline over the top. Strowman
rolled Fatu back into the ring and kicked him in the head.
The crowd started singing and Strowman conducted the crowd,
which was kind of fun. Strowman hit a splash on Fatu and
Fatu rolled to the outside. Strowman set up for the Strowman
Express, but Fatu threw Strowman into the announce desk.
Fatu then hit a leaping clothesline from the apron. The show
then went to a commercial break.

Back from the break, Fatu had control back inside the ring,
complete with a super-kick, a Samoan Drop and a Senton for a
two-count. Fatu hit a hip attack and a splash in a corner.
Fatu set up for another splash, but Strowman followed him
and countered. The match then reset. Strowman landed a
series of strikes and clotheslines. Fatu slid out of the
ring and Strowman hit the Strowman Express on the outside.
Strowman rolled Fatu back into the ring and landed a

Tama Tonga showed up and Strowman took care of him, but Solo
Sikoa followed and hit a Samoan Spike on Strowman for the DQ
finish. After the match, Sikoa and Tonga worked over
Strowman and Fatu looked unhappy with his family. Strowman
popped up for a second, but Fatu slowed him down with a back
elbow. LA Knight’s music hit and Knight ran to the ring,
where he briefly got the best of everyone until he lost the
numbers game. Ultimately, Strowman got up and helped Knight
take care of everybody. Turns out, it’ll be Knight vs.
Strowman for the U.S. title next week.


– Cathy Kelley interviewed Liv Morgan and Raquel Rodriguez
backstage. Morgan said she was mad that Cargill allowed
everyone to believe Morgan and Raquel attacked her. Morgan
said she was impressed with what Naomi did, but Naomi
couldn’t finish the job, so Liv will finish it for her.

– Fatu was walking backstage and he trashed the place. He
appeared angry that he lost the match. Sikoa said it looked
like Fatu was about to lose and Sikoa said they were just
trying to help. Fatu said it wasn’t any of Sikoa’s business
and Fatu will now take care of his own business.

Piper Niven defeated Zelina Vega [12:53]

This absolutely did not need 13 minutes and it is this
week’s Exhibit A when it comes to why these SmackDowns do
not need to be three hours long. Especially if Vega wasn’t
going to get the win to get her U.S. title shot, there is no
reason on earth, no matter the country – Italy, America,
England, Antarctica, whatever – that it should take Niven 13
minutes to beat Vega, someone we never see wrestle on TV
anymore and who suffers from a pronounced size disadvantage.
I’m all for women’s wrestling, and even more so for women to
get more time on WWE’s main TV shows (NXT has become THE
women’s wrestling show in America and it’s great), but this
didn’t make sense. And it wasn’t even really a good match to

Vega slapped Niven and Niven ran Vega into a corner. Niven
went for an elbow drop while Vega was on the ground, but
Zega moved and ran Niven into a corner. Niven came right
back with a series of power moves. Vega went outside and
tried to trip Niven from the outside in an awkward spot.
Vegan then worked a sleeper hold. Niven shook her off and
stomped on Vega. Niven went to the second rope, but Vega
pulled Niven off the rope and landed a series of strikes on
Niven. Vega jawed at Green and Niven took advantage of that
by slamming Vega, who sold back pain as the show went to a
commercial break.

The show returned and Niven went for a clothesline, but Vega
countered into a roll-up for a quick pin attempt. Niven
shook that off and ran Vega into a corner. Niven rag-dolled
Vega all around the ring. Niven worked a Million Dollar
Dream until Vega managed to get out of it. Niven then
headbutted Vega. Niven lifted Vega, but Vega elbowed her way
out of it. Niven ran into a boot from Vega, but Niven then
lifted Vega, who slipped into a choke/sleeper hold. Niven
backed into a corner to break it.

Vegan stretched Niven with an Octopus and then rolled Niven
up for a two-count. Vega landed a back elbow and followed it
up with a Meteora to the back of Niven’s head. Vega landed a
double-knees from the second rope for a near-fall. Vega hit
a 619 and got a good near-fall out of it. Green stood on the
apron and Vega elbowed Green off the apron. Vega went for
another 619 and had to kick Fyre out of the way, which
allowed Niven to hit a running splash on Vega for the
pinfall victory.


– A recap of the John Cena/Cody Rhodes stuff on Raw aired.

– Jade Cargill was interviewed by Cathy Kelley backstage.
Cargill said after she’s done with Liv Morgan, her eyes will
be on Naomi and what she’s going to do to Morgan is only a
preview of what she’ll do to Naomi.

– A spooky teaser aired. Do with that what you may.

Liv Morgan defeated Jade Cargill [10:56]

This was really pretty good and probably the best singles
match Cargill has had in WWE (not that she’s had a bunch).
Morgan is so good as a bratty heel and Cargill seems
inspired these days. That combination made for a match that
exceeded my expectations. Cargill still doesn’t seem like
she wants to fully buy into being a babyface, but it’s easy
to see how hard she’s trying to accept it. I don’t know,
friends. She just seemed more comfortable and confident in
AEW. No, I’m not your resident tribalistic pro wrestling
television reviewer; I’m just someone who sees a great
talent appear to have trouble adapting to her surroundings.
Perhaps I’m misreading the whole thing, but even if I am, I
can’t be alone in that observation? Maybe? Either way, this
was good and I’m glad to see Naomi get one up on Cargill at
this point because the feud felt lopsided with their first
couple interactions since Cargill has been back.

The match started with Morgan running into a big boot from
Cargill. Morgan rolled to the outside and Cargill followed
her out there. Cargill turned her attention to Raquel and
Liv tried to take advantage, but Cargill wouldn’t have it.
Cargill threw Liv around and rolled her back into the ring
where Liv went for her finisher early. Cargill, again,
wouldn’t have it. Cargill hit a fallaway slam and Morgan
rolled to the outside as Cargill posed. Morgan and Raquel
started to walk towards the back, saying the match was over.
Cargill chased them up the entranceway and dragged Morgan
back to the ring.

Cargill ran at Morgan, but Morgan moved. It didn’t matter
much because Cargill rebounded with a powerbomb for a two-
count. Raquel hopped on the apron and distracted Cargill.
Morgan took advantage and hit a Backstabber on Cargill.
Morgan then threw Cargill into a ring post and Cargill found
herself on the outside of the ring. From there, the show
went to a commercial break.

The show returned and Morgan had control, working a choke,
but Cargill backed Morgan into a corner to try and work out
of it. All of this led to Morgan attempting the Three Amigos
– and successfully executing it. Morgan then kicked Cargill
in the head and went for her finisher, but Cargill caught
Liv and just sort of threw her across the ring in a German
Suplex manner. Cargill fired up and hit a spinebuster.
Cargill slammed Morgan and got a two-count out of it.

Naomi showed up out of nowhere and hopped on the apron to
distract Cargill. Morgan tried to take advantage of it, but
Cargill hit a back-breaker. Naomi hopped back on the apron
and hit Cargill in the head with a tag title as the ref was
distracted by Raquel. Morgan followed up with the ObLIVion
and got the win. Naomi then entered the ring and beat the
hell out of Cargill. Naomi mocked Cargill’s pose and ran
Cargill off the apron and onto the commentary table. Naomi
taunted Cargill. Naomi kept mocking Cargill’s poses to end
the whole ordeal.


– Drew McIntyre was interviewed by Cathy Kelly as he left
the building. McIntyre said he didn’t start stuff with
Priest, but he “sure as well end it.” McIntyre said Priest
was always there to pick Drew’s bones like a vulture every
time Drew was knocked down over the last year. Drew said all
he does is tell the truth and nobody can poke holes in his
logic. Drew said Priest can find him in London next week.
Drew kept walking and ran into Seth Rollins, who smirked,
giggled and walked away.

– Footage of The Street Profits winning the tag titles last
week aired.

The Street Profits segment

“You deserve it!” chants broke out as the Profits stood in
the ring with microphones. Montez Ford spoke first and said
for the first time in four years, the Profits were WWE tag
champs. Dawkins said it was “about damn time.” Dawkins said
for the past four years, a lot of doubt was creeping in.
More “You deserve it!” chants broke out. Dawkins said
holding the titles now made everything worth it. Ford said
for the past four years, he’s known he can always count on
his brother. The Profits then did their secret handshake.

Legado Del Fantasma’s music hit and Santos Escobar walked
out with Los Garza. Escobar said things in a foreign
language that really got the crowd pumped up. Escobar said
the Profits finally captured gold and their moment on this
night was beautiful. Escobar said the title reign would end
abruptly. He said Los Garza were “pissed” and they were
ready to take their titles. Pretty Deadly’s music then hit
and Wilson and Prince walked out. Wilson reminded everyone
how his team earned the ability to call themselves No. 1
contenders. Escobar said Los Garza would not step aside for
Pretty Deadly.

Escobar yelled at Pretty Deadly to stay out of it. Ford
chimed in and told everyone to settle down. Ford said Pretty
Deadly already have a tag title shot, but Los Garza looks
like they want to get in a fight tonight. As such, Ford said
Los Garza can have their tag title match. Ford and Dawkins
did their “We want the smoke” catchphrase, a referee ran to
the ring and it appears Los Garza vs. The Street Profits
will happen after the break.


– A teaser for someone who looks an awful lot like Rey Fenix

The Street Profits (Montez Ford & Angelo Dawkins) defeated
Los Garza (Berto & Angel) to retain the WWE Tag Team
Championship [13:11 of TV time]

You know what? Los Garza are really starting to grow on me.
They work hard consistently and they seem to mesh with all
the teams wrapped up in this SmackDown tag division nonsense
in some way or another. This was no exception. It was a good
first match as tag champs – even if the notion that Pretty
Deadly won their right to get the first tag title shot was
essentially thrown away just because. The Profits were over
as all get out and I think Ford is onto something with that
little pump-arm dance (I have no idea what the technical
term for that might be). In all, this was a worthy match on
a show where perhaps not all the matches were particularly
worthy of what they were given.

The match was joined in progress and Ford had the upper hand
on Angel. Berto tagged in and gained control for his team
via a couple tough chops. Angel tagged back in and the two
hit a pair of double-team moves. Angel did his ripping-his-
pants-off gimmick. Berto tagged in and both heels put the
boots to Ford. Angel ran at Ford, but Ford moved. Berto
tagged in, but it didn’t matter because Dawkins received the
hot tag and cleaned house. Dawkins ran the ropes and Escobar
pulled down the top rope, so Dawkins flipped over the top.
Berto followed that up with a dive through the ropes. Los
Garza celebrated as the show went to another commercial

The show returned and Angel had control over Dawkins. Berto
tagged in and hit a splash on Dawkins before Angel tagged in
and kicked Dawkins. Angel lifted Dawkins and tagged in
Berto, who completed the Garza Special on Dawkins, but Ford
broke up the pin attempt. Dawkins started to fight back and
slammed Berto to slow things down. For then received the hot
tag. Ford worked over Both Angel and Berto with a series of
punches and clotheslines. Ford went to the top, missed a
splash attempt, but came back with a spinebuster on Berto
for a two-count.

Ford went back to the top, but Angel cut him off. Berto and
Angel went to the top, too, and went for a double-team move
off the top, but Ford landed on his feet. Berto and Angel
looked Shocked. The crowd went nuts. Dawkins reinserted
himself into the match and Ford hit a super-plex on Berto
for a two-count. Dawkins and Angel tagged in. Dawkins
slammed Angel and back-body-dropped Berto over the top, to
the outside. Escobar hopped on the apron and Dawkins punched
Escobar. Dawkins tagged in Ford and Ford hit a frog splash
on Angel for the win.


– A black car pulled up to the arena and Paul Heyman hopped
out of it.

– Pretty Deadly ran into #DIY while walking upstairs. Next
week, it’ll be Pretty Deadly vs. The Street Profits for the
tag titles. Ciampa said next week they will make sure they
beat the Profits to become tag champs and in return, Ciampa
said, #DIY should get the first shot at Pretty Deadly’s
titles. In response, Pretty Deadly said, “No boy!” Motor
City Machine Guns showed up and welcomed #DIY to the back of
the line and essentially challenged #DIY to a tag match.

– Next week, as previously stated, the Profits will take on
Pretty Deadly in London. Braun Strowman will take on LA
Knight for the U.S. title. Those were the only two matches
advertised for next week. Roman Reigns made his entrance for
the final segment alongside Paul Heyman.

The Roman Reigns/Seth Rollins/CM Punk segment

Eh, this does nothing for me. I’d love to say it did, but it
just doesn’t. All three guys could be utilized better at
WrestleMania and while they’ll try to heat this up in the
coming weeks, I can’t buy into the fact that this deserves
the attention it’s getting. In some ways, it’s a makeshift
program, one thrown together a little late in the Mania
Season game, based solely on star power and little else. As
for this here tonight, the brawl was fine, but if we’re
giving out 25-minute talking segments these days, I would
have preferred to see these guys roast each other that way
over them all hitting their big moves and periodically
pointing at a dumb sign hung in the rafters. We’ll see how
it unfolds. For now, I can’t say I’m fully behind this
booking decision. Then again … that’s just one person’s
opinion. So it goes.

Reigns made his entrance first and the crowd showered him
with chants. Reigns soaked them in and there were only 11
minutes left until the top of the hour. Reigns shouted
“Bologna” and told the crowd to acknowledge him. The crowd
went nuts. Reigns said he loves them and that’s why he
wanted to tell everyone what was on his mind. Reigns said CM
Punk screwed him at the Royal Rumble and because of that,
Reigns screwed Punk on Raw last week. Reigns said Rollins
tried to kill Reigns at the Rumble but that was OK because
last week at the Garden, Reigns tried to kill Rollins.

Reigns said he came a long way to be there and he’d be there
another 15 or 20 minutes and if anyone wanted to confront
him, they should let him know. Seth Rollins’s music hit and
the crowd went nuts. Out came Rollins and he conducted the
crowd as the crowd sang his theme. Rollins told Reigns that
he messed up because he doesn’t understand how dangerous CM
Punk is and Reigns should have left Rollins finish CM Punk
when he had the chance. Rollins said he gets it – it’s never
been about him because it’s always been about Rollins and
Reigns. Rollins said he and Reigns cannot coexist in the
same space at the same time.

Rollins said the story of Roman and Seth has a lot of pages
already written and it’s time they write another chapter.
Rollins began to take off his jacket and Punk’s music hit.
Loud “CM Punk!” chants broke out. Punk made his way to the
ring. Reigns looked angry as he stood in the ring. Rollins
looked disgusted and turned his back to both guys. Punk
winked at Heyman and stared at Rollins and Reigns. Punk
picked up a microphone and stood on the top rope. The crowd
was really loud.

Punk said Reigns or Rollins has never beaten him without the
other one’s help because neither of them can’t. Punk
reminded Reigns that in Royal Rumbles, it’s every man for
himself, and Punk “saved his family’s ass at War Games.”
Punk reminded Heyman that he owes Punk a favor. Punk said
Heyman delivered Reigns on a silver platter and Reigns
looked confused as he stared at Heyman. Punk attacked
Reigns. Rollins hopped in. The three wrestlers brawled.
Officials and referees ran out to try and separate
everybody. Punk stood on the commentary table and was fired
up. Punk pointed at Reigns and Rollins and then the
WrestleMania sign. Heyman yelled, “Oh, no!” The brawl then
continued. Rollins hit a suicide dive on everyone and
pointed at the Mania sign. Reigns bashed everyone with the
steel ring steps and pointed at the Mania sign himself. The
show went off the air as the brawl continued. It was about
three minutes past the top of the hour.

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