Posted on 3/19/125 by Bob Magee
NXT is back to the sound stage at the Performance Center in
Orlando with the fallout from Roadblock. Opening the show is
a women’s title match.
WWE Women’s United States Champion Chelsea Green (with Piper
Niven & Alba Fyre) defeated Sol Ruca (with Zaria) to retain
the title
Green pinned Ruca in a good opener. Green’s Cabinet involved
themselves in the match, as did Zaria at ringside.
Piper Niven first interferes by grabbing Ruca’s foot. While
Ruca did fight her off, the distraction allowed Green to
gain an underhanded advantage. Green targets a leg, and she
is working the leg during the show’s first commercial break.
Ruca makes a comeback on one leg, and she flew around doing
high spots. Springboard cartwheel off the ropes into a
swinging DDT from Ruca, while still selling the leg. Alba
Fyre interferes by putting Green’s foot on the rope to break
a count, and Zaria responds by spearing Fyre. Niven joins in
the melee, leading to moonsault from Ruca. Still selling the
leg, though.
They trade near falls. Ruca counters Green’s first attempt
at an Unprettier. Green clips the injured knee of Ruca when
she was going for her finisher, and Green delivers an
Unprettier. Green then covers Ruca for a pinfall. And still…
In a backstage skit, Je’Von Evans tries to empathize with
Trick Williams. Instead, Tick cuts a promo on Evans. Trick
says he is going for the NXT Championship, something Evans
will never do.
Heritage Cup Champion Lexis King enters as Trick leaves.
King goads Evans, so Evans decks King. Out like a light.
The first double champion in NXT is out next for a
monologue. Stephanie Vaquer makes her first appearance on
television since becoming both NXT Women’s Champion along
with her NXT Women’s North American Championship. Vaquer
said this segment was hard for her because English is not
her first language
She could have went to any promotion, but she came to NXT
because it has the best women’s division. This is something
similar to what Jordynne Grace said a few weeks ago. That is
fitting, as out comes Grace when Vaquer asks her first
challenger to step up.
Vaquer said winning both titles last week made her the best
of the best. She wonders would would answer what is
essentially an open challenge. So, out some Grace. However,
she is ambushed by Jaida Parker.
Parker cuts a helluva promo on Vaquer, as Parker is
apparently stepping up as first challenger to Vaquer. Parker
congratulates Vaquer on winning the titles, and Parker tells
Vaquer to enjoy it. But it will not last long, according to
Josh Briggs & Yoshiki Inamura defeated Hank Walker & Tank
Inamura pinned Ledger after a Stan Hansen lariat from
Briggs, followed by a flying body press from Inamura for the
Hank & Tank went for a Hardy Boyz spot, apparently trying to
take the match “to the extreme” like the Hardys told them a
few weeks ago. Crash and burn on the Hardys’ spot, and that
would be the final turning point in the match.
Hank is tossed off the top rope. Lariat from hell by Briggs
on Ledger. Inamura follows up with a flying body press, and
Inamura covers Tank for the pinfall.
The Culling (Brooks Jensen, Niko Vance & Izzi Dame with
Shawn Spears) defeated D’Angelo Family (Channing “Stacks”
Lorenzo, Luca Crusifino & Adrianna Rizzo) in a mixed six-
person tag team match
Tony D’Angelo stayed backstage at the behest of Stacks,
which was noted in a skit earlier in the show. D’Angelo
trusted his “underboss” so he stayed away. On the other hand
is NXT North American Champion Shawn Spears, who was in the
corner of his Culling faction. They had a new wicked
The Culling goes over in the match, thanks in part to a
distraction. D’Angelo is backstage watching his Family run
wild when he is attacked by the four mystery assailants that
have recently terrorized NXT. D’Angelo is ambushed, and
there is nothing The Family can do but watch on the video
screen. D’Angelo is powerbombed through a bunch of tables.
The Culling then capitalize on the distracted Family, and
Vance gives Crusifino a Burning Hammer for a three count.
In a skit from the office of NXT GM Ava. She is there with
Stephanie Vaquer when in comes Fallon Henley wanting her
rematch for the Women’s North American Championship. The
skit leads to Vaquer agreeing to put the North American
title on the line next week against Henley. Vaquer is also
defending the NXT Women’s Championship against Jaida Parker
in a separate match. Vaquer is now set to defend both titles
in two different matches.
Jacy Jayne (with Fallon Henley & Jazmyn Nyx) defeated Karmen
Petrovic (with Ashante “Thee” Adonis”)
Jayne pinned Petrovic after a roaring elbow. Just before
they go home, Adonis slides a chair into the ring. He wanted
Petrovic to use it, but she refuses to use it. Moments
later, Jayne delivers a roaring elbow, which they are
calling the “Rolling Encore” as its name.
A skit in the locker room sets up Hank & Tank against Tyriek
Igwe & Tyson Dupont, with Wes Lee egging it on.
Ricky Saints defeated Ridge Holland
Saints pinned Holland clean in the middle of the ring. So
much for Holland getting a big push. At least it was a big
win for Saints. They still had a good match, and Saints won
after delivering his Roshambo finisher. The match goes
through a commercial break.
The four mystery assailants cut promos and go off presumably
attack someone else. This seemed oddly political in nature.
Later the group is called “Dark State” so the political
stuff tracks.
Ricky Saints is being interviewed by Kelly Kincaid. Saints
does a word play with Stand & Deliver. He mentions
revolution, he is interrupted and confronted by The Culling.
There is some sexual innuendo between Saints and Izzi Dame.
Trick Williams defeated Eddy Thorpe in NXT Underground
Williams wins via TKO. The match was relatively short for a
main event, but it was still action packed regardless. The
fighting soon spilled out of the ring after the opening
bell. Thorpe backdrops Williams on the announce desk, and
the desk crumbles.
Thorpe goes for a triangle, but Trick deadlifts Thorpe into
a powerbomb onto a pile of bodies. Moment later, they go
home. Trick delivers his signature jumping knee strikes.
Down goes Thorpe, and Trick follows up with ground and
pound. The referee jumps in to stop the fight. Trick wins by
In a post-match angle, Trick calls out NXT Champion Oba
Femi. Out comes Femi to confront Trick. They go face-to-face
before the lights go dark. The four mystery assailants
arrive and look on menacingly as Je’Von Evans gets into the
Trick shoves Evans away, and Trick brawls with Femi. Pull-
apart brawl with Trick and Femi. Evans jumps into the melee
to lay Femi out with a cutter. Je’Von and Trick then stare
at each other as the show goes off air.