RAW IS NETFLIX: John Cena tears into fans as Brussels gives him a hostile welcome

Posted on 3/17/125 by Colin Vassallo

A red-hot crowd in Brussels, Belgium welcomed John Cena with
massive boos for his first appearance as a heel on Monday
Night Raw.

In a very long opening segment, John Cena got everything off
his chest in a promo of epic proportions, calling himself a
victim of a 25-year abusive relationship from the fans.

“For 25 years, I’ve been a part of an abusive relationship.
All you do is be hurtful, all you are is abusive, and all
you do is bully me into being your puppet and expect me to
do it with a smile on my face,” Cena told the crowd.

Chants from the crowd during his promo ranged from the
dueling “Let’s go Cena / Cena sucks,” “F*ck you Cena,”
“What?,” and others.

Cena said that the fans never did anything to support him
and all they were interested is what they can take, take,
and take, and none of the “sons of bitches” ever asked him
how’s he doing. He also berated the fans for the annoying
invisible joke he had to endure throughout his whole career.

Soon after the crowd started chanting for Cody, the American
Nightmare made his way out to a massive pop and a singalong
to Kingdom, with the Belgian crowd not missing a verse.

Rhodes went way shorter in his reply and spent a few minutes
absorbing the energy from the crowd.

The champ told Cena that he wanted to face the man printed
on the t-shirt he was wearing and not the one standing in
front of him tonight.

“If this shows up at WrestleMania, I retire it early. Go
find John Cena, that’s who I want to wrestle at WrestleMania
41, not this whiny bitch,” Cody said, ending the segment.

The fans then helped Cena walk off with the singing of

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