CANADA: Maple Leaf Pro Wrestling March 14 Windsor, ON results

Posted on 3/17/125 by Leonard Brand


WINDSOR, ONTARIO - Maple Leaf Pro Wrestling at St. Clair
College: Taylor Rising pinned Beaa Moss…Serena Deeb defeated
Aurora Teves by submission…The Jet Setters (Kushida & Kevin
Knight) defeated Blake Christian & QT Marshall…Johnny
Swinger, Raj Singh, Rohan Raja, & Rohit Raju defeated Billy
Gunn, Bhupinder Gujjar, El Reverso, & Mike Rollins…Kylie Rae
pinned Zoe Sager…Kaito Kiyomiya pinned Sheldon Jean…Jericho
Cruise Oceanic champion Mo Jabari defeated Rich Swann, Stu
Grayson, Taiji Ishimori, Brent Banks, & Michael Allen Richard
Clark… Mike Bennett pinned Alex Zayne…Gisele Shaw pinned
Laynie Luck… NWA World champion Thom Latimer pinned Bishop
Dyer (Baron Corbin).

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