RAW IS NETFLIX: Roman Reigns returns and takes out Seth Rollins and CM Punk

Posted on 3/11/125 by Colin Vassallo

Roman Reigns is back and has set his sights on potential
opponents for WrestleMania: Seth Rollins and CM Punk.

Reigns showed up in the closing moments of Raw and helped
Seth Rollins defeat CM Punk in a steel cage match, pulling
Rollins out of the cage and giving him the win

Rollins, who stomped Reigns at the Royal Rumble, was then on
the receiving end of a Superman punch, followed by a spear,
and eventually a stomp, leaving him laid out.

The former WWE champion then noticed his Wiseman, Paul
Heyman, who was in the ring helping CM Punk get over his
loss. Reigns entered the ring, threw Punk into the cage and
then speared him, also leaving him motionless.

The show ended with Reigns throwing the one in the air along
with the rest of the fans at Madison Square Garden.

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