Independence Pro Wrestling March 2 Ann Arbor, MI results

Posted on 3/04/125 by Leonard Brand


ANN ARBOR - Independence Pro Wrestling at Homes Campus: Tag
Team champions The Midwest Misfits (Chris Malvado & Ominous
Ramirez) defeated Da’ Yoopers (Remnar Gundlach & J. Lee)…
Lovely Miss Larkin pinned Karter Cauffman…In a 11 man
Gauntlet Match…Invictus pinned Darling Roger…Invictus pinned
James K. Douglas…Chad Alpha pinned Invictus…Chad Alpha
defeated Nasty Nathan Sharpe by submission…Chad Alpha
defeated Jheras Grey by submission…Chad Alpha defeated Rod
Lee by submission…Chad Alpha pinned Tate Matson…Rey Demonyo
pinned Chad Alpha…Rey Demonyo pinned Sean Tyler…Rey Demonyo
pinned Jimmy Shalwin to win the Gauntlet Match…Cyber
champion LaDon Sanders pinned Rey Demonyo…Marco Modello
pinned Erik Surge…Anderson Knight & Chris Moore defeated
Jumal Kyng & Elijah Eros…Max Morrison went to a no contest
against Mondo Real…Big Jorge pinned Anthony Catena…Stxrm
Garçon defeated Women’s champion Stella Buho by

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