ELIMINATION CHAMBER: Ric Flair ready to hit the ring to prevent Cena from winning #17!

Posted on 3/02/125 by Colin Vassallo

Ric Flair said that he will fight his way through security
to hit the ring preventing John Cena from getting his 17th
world title and breaking his record.

Flair noted that according to WWE, it’s been 25 years since
he last won his 16th world title, mentioning a list of some
of his greatest opponents including Harley Race, Bruiser
Brody, Terry Funk, Dusty Rhodes, Bret Hart, The Undertaker,
and Ricky Steamboat.

“@JohnCena, I love you and respect you, but you ain’t taking
nothing from @CodyRhodes,” Flair wrote in a post on X. “If I
have to fight my way through security to hit the ring, I
will. I’ll take the day off of blood thinners. LFG! Let’s do

Flair attached a photo pointing at John Cena while holding
the WWE championship.

In a recent interview, Flair said he would love if his
daughter Charlotte breaks his record of 16 world titles, but
wouldn’t mind if it was Cena or Randy Orton either.

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