WWE FRIDAY NIGHT SMACKDOWN/USA NETWORK: February 21 results (F4wonline)

Posted on 2/22/125 by Bob Magee

– Joe Tessitore welcomed everyone to the show as a skyline
shot of New Orleans aired. From there, Tiffany Stratton was
shown walking around the arena. Ditto for Naomi, Bianca
Belair and Cody Rhodes, who ran into Nick Aldis, who told
Cody that he was removing Cody from the six-man tag later.
Cody wasn’t happy about that, but Aldis told Cody it came
from the Final Boss, who wanted to see Cody later in the
ring. Drew McIntyre then made his entrance for the first
match. Jimmy Uso, meanwhile, cut a promo while walking
backstage towards the ring for the first match.

Jimmy Uso defeated Drew McIntyre [11:17]

I’m a fan of starting the show with a wrestling match,
especially in WWE because so often, we get a long promo from
one of the program’s main stories and it becomes grating
after a while. This was a good match to open the show with,
especially considering the upset win Jimmy pulled out.
McIntyre acting a little too comfortable and cocky before
and throughout the match kind of tipped off the finish, but
it still packed a punch when Jimmy finally got the 1-2-3. As
for Sikoa and Fatu teaming later in the main event … you
have to wonder if this is part of a pivot because of The
Rock’s return, if this was always the plan Rock or no Rock,
or if they are stalling because the creative minds are
scrambling to rewrite their plans. Chaos in pro wrestling
both in front of and behind the scenes is just the best.

McIntyre teased Yeeting to start the match and then mimicked
flipping Jimmy off. As a result, Jimmy fired up and had the
upper hand early. Jimmy’s momentum ended when McIntyre
caught Jimmy and hit a pair of belly-to-belly suplexes. The
action spilled outside, where McIntyre threw Jimmy into the
crowd barrier. Back inside the ring, Drew yelled “No Mania
for you,” and promptly received an enziguri, who knocked
McIntyre back outside, where Jimmy hit a dive. Drew came
back and hit an Alabama Slam on Jimmy into the ring steps.
McIntyre posed on the commentary desk as the show went to a
commercial break.

The show returned and McIntyre was working on Jimmy with a
series of punches on the second rope. Jimmy worked his way
out and connected with a splash from the top to reset the
match. Jimmy followed up with a Samoan Drop and a two-count.
Jimmy set up for a super-kick, but McIntyre cut him off with
a flying headbutt and a spinebuster for a two-count.
McIntyre set up for a Future Shock DDT, but Jimmy countered
and eventually threw McIntyre onto the apron. McIntyre went
to the top, but jumped into a super-kick. Jimmy followed
that up with a spear, which led to a near-fall.

Jimmy went to the top for a splash, but Drew countered and
set up for a Claymore, but Drew ran into a super-kick.
McIntyre jawed at Jimmy and tried another Alabama Slam, but
Jimmy rolled through and rolled McIntyre up for the win.
Right after the match, McIntyre attacked Jimmy inside the
ring and jawed at Jimmy. Drew set Jimmy’s head against the
ring post and was going to kick him, but officials ran out
to pull Drew away. Drew eventually got away from the
officials, ran back into the ring and Claymore’d Jimmy.


– Footage from last week’s main event aired. A vehicle was
shown pulling up outside the building and Solo Sikoa exited
said vehicle. Sikoa ran into Tama Tonga and Jacob Fatu.
Sikoa said what happened to Tonga last week was an accident.
Fatu said if it wasn’t an accident, Sikoa wouldn’t be
standing there right now. Sikoa said he’d be in Fatu and
Tonga’s corner later and Fatu corrected him and said it will
be Sikoa and Fatu teaming in the main event.

– A video package highlighting the Elimination Chamber
participants aired.

– Footage from earlier aired and it featured Carmelo Hayes
running into R-Truth. Truth said they have a tag match later
tonight. The Miz was revealed as the person who made the
match. Turns out, it will be Miz & Melo (Miz kept saying
“Melo don’t Mizz” in an attempt to sell Melo on all this)
vs. Truth and a mystery partner.

– A Zelina Vega vignette aired. It looks like she’s getting
a reboot.

– R-Truth made his entrance and said his partner is a local
legend. Truth then introduced LA Knight as Louisiana Knight.
Knight walked out and looked confused. Truth then gave
Knight some beads and a Po’boy. Knight ate the sandwich and
gave away the beads on his way to the ring.

The Miz & Carmelo Hayes defeated LA Knight and R-Truth

This was kind of fun for what it was. I still can’t get past
not figuring out who the hell LA Knight angered to get to
where he is on the card some weeks. If he doesn’t end up
regaining that U.S. title, my guess is we’ll see him in the
Impact Zone by Memorial Day. Truth’s schtick can be
entertaining; I find it more of a “Am I in the mood to laugh
at this right now” situation each time he appears, but I
understand the appeal to the masses. Melo and Miz,
meanwhile, might actually have something as partners in a
situation where one is really into it and the other kind
of/sort of isn’t … until he actually is. Will that happen
with Melo? We’ll have to see.

The crowd chanted Knight’s name as Melo and Truth started
the match. Truth hip-tossed Melo and counted to two … even
though nobody had Melo covered, which earned a laugh from
the live crowd. Knight tagged in briefly before Truth came
back into the fold. Melo and Truth ran into each other and
Truth tagged Miz, who was not his partner, into the match.
Melo then sent Truth to the outside. The show then went to a

The show returned and Melo had control, working on Truth.
Melo went for a suplex, but Truth countered into a Stunner.
Truth then got the hot tag to Knight, who came in and
cleaned house. Knight eventually tried something with Miz,
but it didn’t quite work and Melo tagged in. Melo went for a
First 48 on Knight, but Knight countered and Truth tagged
himself in. Truth then did his Cena spots on Melo, which
fired the live crowd up. Truth worked and STFU on Melo, but
Miz broke it up. Knight took care of Miz and they fought to
the outside, where Nakamura appeared and attacked Knight.
Inside the ring Miz tagged in and Melo and Miz hit a First
48/Skull-Crushing Finale combo at the same time on Truth for
the win.

– A Charlotte Flair vignette aired, and that was two women’s
vignettes in the first hour of the show, so someone in the
back must have read those reports regarding some of the
women in WWE earlier this week.

– Tiffany Stratton stood in the ring after making her
entrance. She had a microphone. “Tiffy Time!” chants began.
Tiffany said everybody has been obsessed with her since she
won the WWE Women’s Title. Tiffy said at the Chamber, she
will make the Unstoppable Force come to a Definitive End.
Tiffy then pivoted to Charlotte and said talked about the
angle with her last week. Tiffy said nobody loves to kick a
girl when she’s down quite like Charlotte Flair does. Tiffy
said she’s coming for Charlotte’s spot as the “top girl in
the WWE.” Nia Jax’s music hit and Jax walked out with a
microphone, Candice LeRae by her side. Jax said it was cute
to think Tiffy could have beat Jax last week. Jax said Tiffy
won’t even see WrestleMania because Jax will be coming back
for her WWE Women’s Championship. Tiffy told Nia to give it
up because the title isn’t her’s. Jax and LeRae stepped into
the ring and said they’d both take Tiffy out now. A referee
popped into the ring and didn’t let that happen. The show
then went to a commercial break.

Tiffany Stratton defeated Candice LeRae [9:57 of TV time]

LeRae got a ton of shine here, but it didn’t feel like it
because of the long break in the middle of the match along
with the mere presence of Charlotte. Speaking of that,
something felt off with Charlotte. Maybe it was how
unnatural it felt to hear Wade Barrett asking Charlotte
questions while Tessitore seemed to want no part of it.
Maybe it was because Charlotte sounded more annoyed than
usual and didn’t care to say much when she was asked to say
anything at all. I don’t know. Either way, her presence
didn’t fit. The match itself was fine, but Tiffy still
doesn’t fully commit to being a babyface, and that hurts her
more each week. Crowds want to love her, but the crowds feel
like they are becoming less vocal each time she appears and
I think she’s complicit in that. Maybe tagging alongside
Trish Stratus at the Chamber will help all of this.

The match was joined in progress and LeRae had control.
Tiffy quickly fired up and dropkicked LeRae. Charlotte
Flair’s music then hit and Charlotte walked out in the
middle of the match. LeRae took control of Tiffy losing her
focus and went to work on Tiffy’s neck. Charlotte put on a
headset and joined the commentary team. Charlotte told the
commentary team she is the top woman in WWE. Inside the
ring, LeRae kept control until she was the victim of a
dropkick. LeRae went to the outside and Tiffy went to the
top to attempt a moonsault on both Jax and LeRae, but she
almost entirely missed, despite the heels selling contact.
Tiffy smiled, got up, and yelled “Tiffy Time!” Tiffy
returned to the ring and pointed at the WrestleMania sign.
The show then went to a commercial break.

The show returned and Tiffy hit a series of clotheslines on
LeRae. Tiffy followed that up with a spinebuster, which was
good enough for a two-count. The two battled on the top
until Tiffy knocked LeRae off and went for a Swanton, but
LeRae moved and rolled Tiffy up for a near-fall. Stratton
rebounded quickly and set up for the Prettiest Moonsault
Ever, but Jax pulled Stratton to the outside. Stratton took
out Jax and LeRae and looked at Charlotte while pointing at
the Mania sign. Back in the ring, Tiffy connected with the
PMS for the win. After the match, Jax immediately attacked
Tiffy. Trish Stratus’s music hit and Trish ran out for the
save, taking care of Jax and LeRae … until the heels fought
back. Ultimately, Jax hit her finisher on Stratus and Tiffy
while Charlotte looked on from commentary.

Everybody but Tiffy left the ring and Charlotte walked into
it. Charlotte then stood over Tiffy and pointed at the Mania


– Cody ran into Damian Priest backstage and Priest asked
Cody why The Rock was there. Cody said he didn’t know, but
he was sure it’d be interesting. Priest said after Chamber,
he will be coming for Cody’s title. Cody said he wouldn’t
have it any other way. Braun Strowman walked in after Cody
walked out. Strowman said if it wasn’t for Solo Sikoa, the
Chamber would look a lot different. They joked for a second
and Priest asked Strowman if they would handle business
later. Strowman said they would because it’s the only thing
he cares about.

– A vignette highlighting the women’s Chamber participants

– Naomi and Bianca Belair were interviewed in the back by
Byron Saxton. Naomi said she knows Liv Morgan and Raquel
Rodriguez were the ones responsible for attacking Jade
Cargill. Belair said they are going to get revenge on Liv
and Raquel and move on to Chamber next weekend. Naomi said
Liv, especially, will feel it later tonight.

– An Alexa Bliss vignette aired. Bliss felt kind of like a
heel in it and said she’s going to turn the Chamber into a
playground of her own.

– Naomi made her entrance alongside Belair, but Liv and
Raquel attacked them before a match could start. Liv hit
Oblivion on Naomi and the heels then left. As such, the
match between Morgan and Naomi was called off. Thanks, Rock.

– Speaking of Dwayne, a truck pulled up outside the arena.
Tessitore said the Final Boss was up next.

– Aldis was talking to Liv and Raquel backstage and told
them to get the hell out of the building. Chelsea Green and
Piper Niven then walked in and Green said she and Niven were
ready to take Belair and Naomi’s places in the Chamber.
Aldis said Naomi and Belair will still be in the Chamber and
Green pouted. Aldis said Green will have an opponent not at
the Chamber, but at SmackDown next week.

The Rock segment

This was sort of interesting, even if the ambiguity of it
all turned me away from it on some level. Rock wants a
brother, a champion. Cody put on his best “I’m shook” face
in response to Rock’s proposition. In a lot of ways, I’m
ready to say to hell with it all, pull the trigger on a Cody
heel turn and let’s see him and Rock run through all of WWE
until next year’s WrestleMania. That’s probably not going to
happen, but it sure would be a lot of fun. With Rock turning
up at next weekend’s Chamber, one has to think that he’s
going to be around a little more often now, right? Or, if
not, and Cody turns and works as a heel against a presumed
John Cena at Mania, perhaps … ahh, there’s no use in fantasy
booking. Anyway, the segment was good and packed a lot of
punch. I’m awfully intrigued to see what happens next and
that was obviously the point.

The Rock made his entrance. Once he got to the ring, loud
“Rocky!” chants broke out. Someone threw a microphone at
Rock from outside the ring and he caught it. He teased
talking, but his music kept playing and more “Rocky!” chants
rose up. Rock asked the crowd if they felt it and everyone
yelled. Rock said he was going to drop some … whatever it
was, the language was blanked out, and the crowd cheered.
The Rock did his “Finally …” schtick. The crowd loved it.
Rock then added, “And finally, WrestleMania is coming back
to New Orleans.” Everyone responded accordingly. Pyro went
off and next year’s Mania graphic appeared on the video
screens. The event will happen on April 11 and April 12.
“Holy sh@#” chants broke out.

The Rock started to sing “When The Saints Go Marching In,”
and Ricky … no I’m kidding. Rock told the crowd to shut up
so he could sing and Rock sang the rest of the refrain with
the crowd and then called the crowd “STD-havin trailer-park
trash.” Oh, Dwayne, it’s so fun to have you back. Everyone
turned on him quickly and the boos started. The Rock then
said he was also there to call somebody out – someone who he
respects and admires: Cody Rhodes. Cody’s music hit and the
champ made his entrance.

The two embraced in the middle of the ring while Cody’s
music was still playing and Rock kissed Cody. The crowd was
hot for Cody. Rock said, “They love you, man,” and Cody
turned to the crowd to say, “I love you, too.” Cody was
extra smile-y. Rock said since last year’s Mania, the two
have become good friends. Rock referenced the first Raw on
Netflix. Rock thanked Cody again for being an incredible
champion. Rock noted how they drank some tequila together at
that Raw. Rock said their moms have become good friends and
Rock showed a picture of Mama Rhodes and Mama Rock together
at last year’s Mania.

Rock said he called Cody out to tell him he’s been a great
champion, but the Rock is on the board of TKO and TKO owns
WWE. Rock reminded everyone he is the director of the Board
of TKO. Rock talked about how he’s the most powerful man in
WWE. Rock said Cody is a great champion, but he wants Cody
to be something more than a great champion; he wants Cody to
be Rock’s champion. Cody said he didn’t expect they’d be
friends, but he was wondering about what Rock meant because
he’s not Rock’s champion; he’s “their” champion, and turned
toward the crowd. The crowd chanted Cody’s name.

Rock said he was talking about something “bigger than just
this.” Rock said he knows Cody’s No. 1 goal is to bring as
much joy and happiness to as many people around the world.
Rock rattled off Cody’s social media statistics and said The
Rock has half a billion social followers. Rock said if Cody
becomes Rock’s champion, Rock can open up possibilities for
Cody that he never knew existed. Rock said if he becomes
Rock’s champion, he could make all Cody’s dreams come true.
Rock said he could make his baby’s dreams come true – he
just needs Cody to be his champion.

Rock said he’s a lucky man and he has it all. Rock told a
crowd member to shut their mouth and everyone popped. Rock
said the one thing he’s always wanted that he’s never had is
a brother. The crowd booed. Rock said that’s what Cody could
be. Rock said last year, Rock’s goal was to face Roman
Reigns for the WWE title, but when he came back, he tried to
demand a match with Roman and Cody “f@#” it up (I think
that’s what Rock said; the audio was cut). Rock said Cody
slapped him and that’s why Cody is special. These are the
reasons Rock said Cody should be Rock’s champion. Rock said
Cody could think about it and talk to his wife about it.
Rock said he’d meet Cody at Elimination Chamber and he wants
Cody’s answer at that event next weekend.

Rock thanked the crowd for being “hot ass.” Rock said the
one thing he wants more than anything in the world is
“that,” and he pointed at the title. Cody asked Rock if all
he wanted was the title. Rock said that wasn’t the title;
instead, the Rock wants Cody’s soul. “Sell your soul!”
chants broke out. Rock said he’d see Cody at the Chamber on
March 1 in Toronto and threw the microphone out of the ring.
Rock stepped out of the ring to boos and Cody looked
confused inside the ring. Rock turned back after walking
away and took his glasses off. Rock grinned as he walked to
the back. Cody looked distraught in the ring and the segment


– #DIY made their entrance and had microphones with them.
Ciampa said tonight has been electrifying, but he wants
everyone to be somber for a second. Two weeks ago, he said,
Pretty Deadly embarrassed them and tonight, #DIY will return
that favor tonight. Ciampa asked everyone to rise to their
feet and remove their baseball caps and bow their heads for
a moment of silence for Pretty Deadly. The crowd booed and
Ciampa shook his head. Pretty Deadly’s music then hit and
out, they came for the tag title match. Pretty Deadly
attacked #DIY and their music kept playing. Pretty Deadly
posed underneath the big disco ball and the match weirdly
started soon thereafter.

#DIY (Tommaso Ciampa & Johnny Gargano) defeated Pretty
Deadly (Kit Wilson & Elton Prince) to retain the WWE Tag
Team Titles via DQ [6:16]

I don’t know why, but I keep forgetting that the Street
Profits are back and out there, ready to wreak havoc on
everybody. Because of that, I’m constantly surprised and
impressed whenever they reappear to take everyone out. This
feels like it’s going to be one, big, get-everyone-on-the-
card tag title match at Mania featuring, literally, all of
the tag teams on SmackDown, but maybe it’ll be turn out all
right. As for this match, there isn’t much to say because it
never had a chance to find a groove. Pretty Deadly have been
showing good fire, though, and that pre-match bit about
everyone bowing their heads that Ciampa has worked in seems
to be gaining traction. There is something to be said for

#DIY took immediate control and Gargano super-kicked the
hell out of Prince on the floor. The show then went to a
commercial break. Back from the break, Gargano was working
over Prince in the middle of the ring and eventually tagged
in Ciampa. Prince fired up a little and Prince and Ciampa
hit a cross-body on each other, resetting the match. Wilson
and Gargano tagged in and Wilson took care of Gargano and
Ciampa. Wilson clotheslined both Ciampa and Gargano and
tagged in Prince.

Things broke down and Wilson landed a Codebreaker on
Gargano. Prince went for a pin and got a two-count. Prince
hit a wild back suplex on Ciampa and out of nowhere, the
Street Profits showed up and took Pretty Deadly out, causing
a DQ win for #DIY. Montez Ford hit a high frog splash on
Ciampa. Motor City Machine Guns’ music hit and MCMG ran out
to help, but the Profits did away with them fairly easily.


– A John Cena vignette aired. It involved old Elimination
Chamber footage.

– Footage from Sami Zayn’s promo on Raw aired. From there,
the Kevin Owens promo from X earlier today aired. You know
the one – it involved Owens speaking from outside Zayn’s

– Solo Sikoa and Jacob Fatu were shown walking through
backstage towards the ring and Fatu cut off Sikoa’s promo in
favor of his own. Fatu told them to “play his music” and
Fatu and Sikoa – alongside Tama Tonga – walked to the ring
for the main event.

Braun Strowman & Damian Priest defeated Solo Sikoa & Jacob
Fatu [12:32]

A fine TV main event, but this isn’t going to be what anyone
is talking about coming out of this edition of SmackDown. In
that way, I feel bad for the wrestlers involved because they
worked hard and they are clearly trying to tell a story with
Sikoa and Fatu, but it’s just not getting the spotlight they
probably thought they’d get, say, four weeks ago.

Still, it’s another step towards what has to be a Fatu/Sikoa
breakup, which I’m all for because it sure does feel like
the fans want to get behind Fatu in a big way, and I’m all
for giving him a top tier opportunity. If nothing else, this
week proved the following reality: When The Rock decides to
come around, SmackDown instantly becomes must-see. When The
Rock doesn’t bother, the show moves from an A-to-B grade to
a C-to-B grade. Thankfully, he showed up this week to
breathe some life into the Blue Brand, if only for a night.

Sikoa and Priest began the match. The two traded blows and
Sikoa briefly had the upper hand, but Priest came right back
with some strikes and tagged in Strowman, who walked over
and had a few staredowns with Fatu. Strowman ran into an
elbow from Sikoa and Fatu tagged in. Strowman ran over Fatu
and the action spilled outside. Strowman tried his run-
around-the-ring thing, but Tonga interrupted him and Fatu
capitalized by tackling Strowman into the timekeeper’s area.
The show then went to its final commercial break.

Back to the action, Fatu was working over Strowman in the
ring. Sikoa tagged in and the crowd booed loudly. Sikoa hit
a hip attack on Strowman in a corner. Fatu tagged in and the
crowd cheered loudly. Fatu went for a hip attack and hit it.
He went for a second one, but Strowman got a boot up.
Strowman followed it up with a Spinebuster and got the hot
tag to Priest. Sikoa also tagged in.

Priest went to work on Sikoa, complete with a back elbow in
a corner. Priest hit a spinning back kick on Fatu. Priest
ran into a super-kick from Sikoa, but Priest came back with
a kick and a Flatliner for a two-count. Priest took Sikoa’s
hand and walked the top rope into a splash, ala Undertaker’s
Old School. Priest set Sikoa up for a Razor’s Edge, but
Tonga distracted Priest. Fatu interfered and Sikoa hit a
Spinning Solo for a nice near-fall. Sikoa set up for a
Samoan Spike, but Priest countered and Fatu accidentally
super-kicked Sikoa. Strowman took out Fatu and Tonga on the
outside. Inside the ring, Priest hit South Of Heaven on
Sikoa and got the win. The show ended with Priest looking at
the WrestleMania sign.

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