Posted on 1/26/125 by Leonard Brand
WALDRON - Championship International Wrestling at the Waldron
Schools Gymnasium: Calvin Coco & Josh Morris defeated Brutus
Atwell & Herman Walker…Shado Man pinned The Great Tiger…
Brandon Day pinned The Great Akuma…David Light defeated
National champion War Ready Maleko by count out…Ace Evans &
Eddie Dylan defeated Perry Mast & Andre Stray…Malice pinned
James K. Douglas…Women’s champion Marissa Shaw pinned Stephie
Mac…Freedom Ramsey pinned Ashton Adonis.
Notes: ECW legend the Sandman made a rare Michigan autograph
appearance, and also attacked Ace Evans and Eddie Dylan with
a Singapore cane after their match. Freedom Ramsey, who was
in the main event as part of the WWE ID program. They return
this evening, January 26 with a show in Toledo, Ohio at St
Clements Hall.