Posted on 1/19/125 by Leonard Brand
LANSING - Independence Pro Wrestling at the Royal Scot Golf &
Bowl: The Midwest Misfits (Chris Malvado & Ominous Ramirez)
defeated Real Hype (Jimmy Shalwin & Mondo Real)…Big Jorge
defeated Max Morrison, Amazing Zondo, & Plague…Women’s
champion Stella Buho pinned Darling Roger…Cyber champion LaDon
Sanders defeated Chad Alpha by count out…Dragon Jones pinned
Derek Wolfe…Tag Team champions Da’ Yoopers (Remnar Gundlach &
J. Lee) went to a no contest against The Midwest Misfits
(Chris Malvado & Ominous Ramirez)…Jumal Kyng & Jackson Stone
defeated Terry VanAvery & The Dark Gentleman.