NXT ON CW: December 17 results (F4online)

Posted on 12/18/124 by Bob Magee

The show begins with a video package retrospective looking
back on past WWE shows from the Lowell Memorial Auditorium
in Lowell, Massachusetts. The past is intertwined with the
present as the introductory video package shifts to the
current NXT brand.

The lighting in the venue was far better in the ’90s. This
was lit like an indie show, as the venue was too dark in
places. But that is just my opinion, and there is some cool
backlighting in the background. The ring itself seems
slightly smaller than the usual 20×20.

In the opening match, a co-holder of the NXT Tag Team
Championship faces one tough challenge in his first of two
matches on the show. Axiom takes on Oba Femi, and later
Axiom and Nathan Frazier defend the tag titles against

Oba Femi defeated Axiom (with Nathan Frazier)

Femi pinned Axiom after a pop-up powerbomb. This was David
vs. Goliath, except Goliath won this time. Plus in this
version, David is pulling double duty and wrestling again
later in the show.

Cat and mouse game at the start, as Axiom sticks and moves.
Femi eventually snatches Axiom by his feet. Femi is
manhandling Axiom, as the match goes through a commercial

Hope spot after the show returns from the break, as Axiom
targets a leg. Femi clotheslines Axiom, and turns him inside
out for a near fall. Axiom later goes for an armbar, but
Femi dead lifts Axiom to easily break the hold. Femi keeps
mowing down Axiom, but Axiom still fires up.

Axiom cuts down Femi with a dropkick to the knee. Femi rises
again for a great sequence of exchanges. Axiom gets a near
fall, and Femi powers out and goes for a powerbomb. Axiom
counters with a hurricanrana for another near fall.

Axiom lands a missile dropkick, and he goes for his
finisher. Femi catches Axiom like a damsel in distress,
except Femi heaves Axiom aside. Femi then executes his pop-
up powerbomb finisher, and Femi covers Axiom for a three

Sarah Schreiber interviews Eddy Thorpe in a backstage area.
Thorpe boasts about fooling everyone in the angle last week
that got him the title shot tonight. NXT General Manager Ava
enters the scene and she scolds Thorpe for taking a
shortcut, but the contract is signed so there is nothing she
can do. Thorpe interjects that he just worked smarter
instead of holder. After tonight, Thorpe says she can call
him the champion.

In a pre-taped skit, more drama with Ashante “Thee”Adonis
and Karmen Petrovic. This time it once again involves Dion
Lennox. He tells Karmen to apologize to Adonis. Petrovic
agrees and hugs Lennox. Adonis walks in to see them hugging,
and he cuts a promo on them. Adonis storms off as the world
turns, and so are the days of our lives.

Lash Legend & Jakara Jackson defeated Sol Ruca & Zaria

Legend pinned Ruca to win the match.

Before the show cuts to commercial, Zaria catches Jackson in
a fireman’s carry. Ruca then uses Jackson’s body as a
launching pad to jump out of the ring to the floor on
Legend. Zaria then lifts Jackson with a military press and
throws her outside on Jackson. With Ruca and Zarua standing
tall, the show cuts to the break after a big pop from the
live crowd.

After the break, heat on Ruca as Jackson & Legend work over
Ruca. Hot tag Zaria, and Zaria is a house of fire. Legend
distracts Zaria, and Jackson hits her with a chop block.
Zaria and Legend battle to suplex each other. Near fall
after Ruca springboards into a flying body press. Jackson
breaks up the pinning attempt as they go home.

Ruca hits Jackson with the X-factor, only for Legend to
strike down Ruca. Zaria almost collides with Ruca, but stops
short. Ruca then takes a bullet for Zaria, as Ruca gets a
pump kick from Legend. Jackson makes another save, and Zaria
is thrown outside. Jackson follows up with a dive on Zaria.
In the ring, Legend executes her Bougie Bully Drop, and
Legend pins Ruca.

Jaida Parker (with OTM) defeated Wren Sinclair (with No
Quarter Catch Crew)

Parker pinned Sinclair after a hip attack. OTM and the Catch
Crew start brawling at ringside during the match, and they
brawl their way down the aisle and through the curtain. In
the match, Parker dominated at times, but Sinclair got some
offense as well.

Sinclair fired up at one point, but Parker would ultimately
cut her off. For the finish, Parker hits Sinclair with a
back elbow, followed by a hip attack. Parker then covers
Sinclair for a pinfall.

Tatum Paxley, Gigi Dolan and Shotzi all cut promos in a what
is supposed to be an spooky dollhouse setting. Fatal
Influence are watching on a backstage monitor. They are
confronted by Alba Fyre & Isla Dawn. Fatal Influence leave
as Fyre & Dawn chuckle over causing them to leave.

Every week on NXT is a video package sponsored by an
insurance company. This week it highlights the history of
NXT, and more specifically the rich women’s division. The
package quickly chronicles the women’s title from the past
to the present, concluding with a plug for Deadline.

NXT Tag Team Champions Nathan Frazier & Axiom defeated
Gallus (Mark Coffey & Wolfgang with Joe Coffey) to retain
their titles

Frazier pinned Wolfgang after a Phoenix Splash and a
plethora of other high spots. Axiom went into the match with
his shoulder taped, which sells the match earlier tonight
where Axiom lost to Oba Femi. Frazier is also wearing a face
guard, after a recent injury. That seems legit and not part
of the plot like Axiom selling his shoulder.

Gallus mauls Frazier & Axiom before the show cuts to a
commercial break. Gallus is working over Axiom when the show
returns from commercials. Hot tag to Frazier, and he is
running wild at a frantic pace. Frog splash by Frazier on
Coffey, and Wolfgang has to jump in to break up a pinning
attempt. Soon thereafter, Axiom jumps in to break up a
pinning attempt.

Later on, all four go down after a flurry of high spots.
Axiom delivers a Golden Ratio to Coffey, and Frazier jumps
on Wolfgang’s back. Frazier is inadvertently hit with a
Golden Ratio from Axiom, in storyline miscommunication. Soon
thereafter, Coffey takes a Canadian Destroyer from Axiom.
Wolfgang takes a poison-rana from Frazier. All four are

Frazier and Wolfgang are fighting with Wolfgang on the
turnbuckles. Blind tag by Axiom, and he does a Spanish Fly.
Axiom then dives outside on the Coffeys (Mark & Joe) at
ringside. Meanwhile, Frazier leaps off the top rope into a
Phoenix Splash, and Frazier covers Wolfgang for a the
deciding pinfall. And still…

A wacky skit has Je’Von Evans talking with Hank Walker &
Tank Ledger. Evans is hyping up Hank & Tank. A depressed
Ethan Page pushing him way through them.

In a vignette, Charlie Dempsey has a training session with
Lexis King. Dempsey is impressed that King kept up with him,
so Dempsey agrees to grant King a title shot at the Heritage

Depressed Ethan Page sulks out and says the crowd should boo
him. He deserves it, according to himself. Page goes to cut
a promo where he says he brings up his daughter, son and
wife. Page relates his recent failures with his desire to
provide for his family. He was getting the “WHAT”chants.

The promo leads to Page spoofing a famous Shawn Michaels’
promo that was cut in the same venue. Page says he lost his
smile, and he is soon interrupted by Je’Von Evans. He
confronts Page in the ring, and Evans wants to see the real
Ethan Page. Evans details the joy Page had for his wife and
kids. Evans then talks about a smile from Page as he gives
Evans a good pep talk. Evans tells him to drop the “Ego” and
let the audience see the real Page.

Page is choking up as he responds to Evans. Page says he
should not worry about losing his smile, but instead worry
about taking Evans’s smile. Page assaults Evans, and he
Pillmanizes Evans with a metal folding chair. Page puts it
around Evans’ neck and jaw, and Page stomps on him. Evans
sells big and spits up fake blood. This clearly sets up a
grudge match.

Sarah Schreiber interview NXT Champion Trick Williams, and
Trick cuts a promo. Oba Femi comes in to say he hopes
Williams does win, because Femi wants to take the title from
Williams at New Year’s Evil.

Stephanie Vaquer is the focus of a video package that hypes
her up.

NXT Champion Trick Williams vs. Eddy Thorpe ends with a
finish, but no declared winner

Trick is over with this crowd as a babyface. In contrast,
they chanted “Eddy sucks” at Thorpe.

In the match, Trick crotches himself when he missed a leg
lariat. Thorpe shoves Trick off the apron as the shows cuts
to a commercial break.

Back from the break and Thorpe is working over Williams.
Slight botch just before a double down. Trick starts
building momentum, and he uses a Rock Bottom for a two
count. Thorpe fights back with kicks, and an elbow drop for
a near fall.

Slugfest leads to them trading kicks. Thorpe then counters
Trick to deliver a backbreaker. Trick fights back. Thorpe
with another counter to set up a DDT by Thorpe, but the
referee is knocked down. Trick takes the DDT, and he is down
for the count. No ref to count. A second ref comes out just
as Trick schoolboys Thorpe for a two count.

Thorpe with a couple of running kicks to the face. On the
third attempt, Trick counters with a jumping knee strike.
Trick falls on top of Page as both refs jump in to make a
count. Thorpe’s foot is noticeably under the bottom rope as
both refs (with one on either side) each count a pinfall.
While Williams was clearly on top of Thorpe, Williams’
shoulders were also down. The foot under the rope must not
have been part of he planned finish, as it did not factor
in. However, the refs argue after the bell over who they
declare the winner. Each counted three with a different

The refs are still bickering as Ava comes down to ringside.
The cliffhanger is who won the match, as the show goes off
the air without a declared winner.

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