Posted on 12/01/124 by Danny Warren
11/30- Beausejour, MB (Rumble To Remember Tour)
1. Sammy Peppers d. "The Mastermind" Kevin Cannon.
2. Bryce Bentley d. "The Rebel" Bobby Collins.
3. "The Real Deal" James Roth d. "Hotshot" Danny Duggan by
4. CWE Canadian Unified Jr. Heavyweight Champion "The
Miracle" Jackson Conway d. Ronnie Attitude.
5. DRAGNEEL d. Adrien "Bamm Bamm" Burton.
6. James Roth won An Over The Top Rope Rumble Main Event.
CWE closes out 2024 and The Rumble To Remember Tour in
Amaranth, Manitoba on Friday, Dec 28th!