Clash Wrestling October 18 Taylor, MI results with Homicide and Jessicka Havok

Posted on 10/19/124 by Leonard Brand


TAYLOR - Clash Wrestling Simply the Best 2024 at the
Taylortown Trade Center: Lykos Gym (Kid Lykos & Kid Lykos II)
defeated PME (Phily & Marino Experience)…Alex Colon pinned
Otis Cogar…Alice Crowley pinned Jessicka Havok…RCW champion
Turbo Lover defeated Judge Joe Dred by submission…Shane Sabre
defeated Jake Crist, Christian Napier, Zach Thomas, Crash
Jaxon, & Mark Wheeler…Homicide pinned Vincent Nothing…Eric
Ryan pinned Atticus Cogar…Krule pinned Rickey Shane Page.

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