Posted on 10/13/124 by Bob Magee

AEW presented WrestleDream live from the Tacoma Dome in
Tacoma, WA!

It’s Saturday and you know what that means!

The Zero Hour portion of the show kicked off!

Excalibur, Tony Schiavone, and Nigel McGuinness were the
broadcast team.

ROH World TV Championship Match!
Atlantis Jr. (c.) vs. “The Machine” Brian Cage!

Cage spiked Atlantis with a spinebuster in the center of the
ring. Cage rattled Atlantis with a jumping knee strike.
Atlantis connected with a diving cross body press. Atlantis
followed up with a tope suicida. Atlantis cracked Cage with
a thrust kick, followed by a frog splash for a near fall!

Cage countered a hurracanrana from the top rope with an
avalanche power bomb. Cage clobbered Atlantis with a discus
lariat and then a Drill Claw, pinning Atlantis Jr. and
becoming the new ROH World TV champion!

Harley Cameron vs. Anna Jay!

Anna Jay used a running elbow strike in the corner. Harley
connected with a crossbody from the middle rope. Anna took
down Harley with a flying forearm. Anna nailed Harley with a
flipping neck breaker for a near fall. Anna Jay planted
Harley face first with a Gory Bomb and picked up the pin
fall victory!

“That’s a great win for Anna Jay,” said Tony Schiavone.

MxM Collection—Mason Madden & Mansoor (with Rico)
The Acclaimed—Anthony Bowens & Max Caster (with Daddy Ass)!

Max shoulder tackled Madden. Mansoor tagged in but the
Acclaimed took him down with tandem offense. MxM rallied
back with double team maneuvers of their own. Mansoor rocked
Max with a leaping leg drop. Rico clocked Max with a right
hand as ref Aubrey Edwards was distracted.

Bowens got the hot tag and cleaned house on MxM Collection!
Bowens fought his way out of the centerfold, catching
Mansoor right between the eyes with a knee strike. Madden
choke slammed Max and Mansoor covered Max for a two-count.

Bowens jumped off the top rope and wiped out MxM Collection
on the arena floor. Rico went for a spin kick on Daddy Ass,
but Daddy Ass countered with the Fame Asser. Bowens blasted
Mansoor with the Arrival. Caster crashed down with the Mic
Drop and pinned Mansoor!

“The Acclaimed and Daddy Ass live to scissor another day,”
said Excalibur.

Up next: President and CEO of AEW, Tony Khan, came out with
the grandsons of Antonio Inoki! Tony Khan let the crowd in a
chant of “Ichi Ni San Da!”

8-Man Tag Match!
The Outrunners—Truth Magnum & Turbo Floyd and The
Conglomeration’s Kyle O’Reilly & “Freshly Squeezed” Orange
Cassidy (with Rocky Romero)
The Premier Athletes—Josh Woods, Ariya Daivari, (with
“Smart” Mark Sterling & Josh Woods) & The Dark Order’s John
Silver & Alex Reynolds (with Evil Uno)!

Turbo and Truth took turns clobbering Reynolds with strikes
in the corner. Kyle and Orange came in and dished out
punishment too.

“I believe that was 31 punches to the head,” said Excalibur.

Orange pulped Nese with a DDT out of nowhere! Turbo tagged
in and was quick with body slams to the opposing team. The
Outrunners drilled Daivari with a neck breaker – powerslam
combo and scored the pin!

Renee Paquette was backstage with AEW Continental Champion
Kazuchika Okada!

Okada is now medically cleared, and he came here to support
The Elite. Kyle O’Reilly approached Okada and asked the
fighting champion to a match. Okada said, “Hell no, bitch.”
Kyle said next time he’d try a different approach, and he
decked Okada. Both men began to brawl until Christopher
Daniels ejected both men from the arena!

The main portion of the pay-per-view kicked off with…

“Hangman” Adam Page vs. Bang Bang Gang’s “Switchblade” Jay
White (with Juice Robinson)!

Jay White was sticking and moving with his offense. Page
reversed it with a blunt force attack, pounding Switchblade
into the corner. Jay White dropkicked Page in the knee. Page
booted Jay in the face as Jay charged at Hangman. Page
brutalized Jay White with some ground and pound offense.

Page walloped Jay White with a fallaway slam in the corner.
Jay fired back with a stiff DDT; Page kicked out at the two-
count. Jay White took down Page with a bridging German
Suplex for a near fall. Page dug his thumbs into the eyes of
Jay White. Switchblade trapped Page in the Tree of Woe and
gouged Page’s eyes! Jay White turned away for one second and
Page seized the moment to drill White with a Death Valley
Driver on the apron!

Hangman hit Page with a dragon screw leg whip through the
ropes. Page came right back with a power bomb on the steps!

“I don’t know if Jay White is going to be able to continue,
guys,” said Tony Schiavone.

Hangman grabbed his leather belt. Ref Paul Turner argued
with Page. Jay White spat at Page and then dropped Page with
a knee breaker on the edge of the rampway! Back in the ring,
Jay White continued to work on Page’s leg with a dragon
screw leg whip. Jay White grabbed Hangman and hit him with a
uranage for a near fall. Jay White avoided a low blow and
planted Page with a half and half. Page blocked the Blade
Runner and countered with the Dead Eye!

Page went for the Buckshot Lariat, but Jay White countered,
blasted Page with the Blade Runner, and pinned Page!

“Counter wrestling at its finest!” said Excalibur.

“What a classic match,” replied Tony Schiavone.

AEW Women’s World Championship Match!
“The Glamour” Mariah May (c.) vs. Willow Nightingale!

Willow hip tossed the champion across the ring. Mariah May
answered with a shotgun dropkick. Willow pounced Mariah May,
turning the tables quickly. Willow chopped Mariah May in the
corner. Willow climbed the turnbuckles, but Mariah yanked
Willow’s legs out from beneath her. Mariah mounted Willow
and grounded and pounded her.

Nightingale booted Mariah in the face and followed up with a
spinebuster for a near fall. Mariah, frustrated, staggered
Willow with a German Suplex. Willow crashed into Mariah with
a cannonball in the corner. Mariah dodged a moonsault press.
Mariah hit a dropkick from the top rope. Mariah planted
Willow with the May Day, but Willow kicked out at the two-

Willow went for another pounce but Mariah headbutted the
challenger. Willow swung for the fences and connected with a
lariat! Willow rocked Mariah with a Death Valley Driver into
the corner turnbuckles! Mariah kicked out at the two-count!

Mariah May took down Willow with an avalanche hurracanrana.
Mariah followed up with a running knee strike. The champ
spiked Willow with the Storm Zero and retained her title
over Willow Nightingale!

TNT Championship Match!
“The Scapegoat” Jack Perry (c.) vs. “The Wrestler” Katsuyori

Jack Perry used a snap suplex on Shibata. Perry kicked
Shibata in the spine, but Shibata brushed them off. Shibata
lit up Perry’s chest with stiff chops. Shibata suplexed
Perry. Jack Perry spat in Shibata’s face. Shibata invited
Perry to kick him. Perry kicked Shibata but Shibata got
right to his feet and bludgeoned Perry with machine gun
chops. Shibata suplexed Jack Perry into the side of the

Shibata stunned The Scapegoat with a Death Valley Driver.
Shibata locked Perry into a sleeper and fell backwards with
body scissors around Perry’s torso. Jack Perry fell back,
and the referee counted to three, declaring Perry the

After the pinfall, Perry cracked Shibata in the skull with
his TNT title! Daniel Garcia sprinted to the ring and had a
stare down with Jack Perry. The Scapegoat grabbed his
championship and left the ring.

MJF’s music hit! MJF powerwalked to the ring, and Garcia
encouraged MJF to get into the ring! MJF got into Garcia’s
face. Jack Perry blindsided Garcia in the head with the TNT
Championship! MJF removed his suit jacket and hammered down
on Garcia with punches to the head.

MJF: “Danny, it’s been a while since I saw you buddy. If I
recall, last time I saw you I defeated you without breaking
a sweat. And since then I’ve gone on to make several movies
and several millions. But you’ve been up to big stuff, too?
You had a bidding war, huh?

“I wanted to thank you for telling me my Dynamite Diamond
was in a pawn shop in Buffalo. It took me some time, but I
found it! And now you’re going to kiss it!”

Adam Cole’s music hit!

“It looks like MJF has seen a ghost!” said Excalibur.

Adam Cole sprinted to the ring and MJF retreated!

“Adam Cole is back! This is just beginning,” said Nigel.

“The unexpected return of MJF, and now Adam Cole. This
chessboard is filling up,” replied Excalibur.

AEW International Championship Match!
Will Ospreay (c.) vs. Ricochet vs. “The Alpha” Konosuke
Takeshita (with Don Callis)!

Ricochet and Will took turns kicking Takeshita in the back.
Will went for an Os Cutter, but Ricochet avoided it.
Takeshita splatted Ricochet on the arena floor with a DDT.
Takeshita pulled a table out from beneath the ring. Ricochet
went for a Sasuke Special, but Takeshita caught him. Ospreay
served up a Sasuke Special of his own and wiped out both

Ricochet landed on Takeshita with a shooting star press.
Takeshita leveled Ricochet with a fastball strike forearm to
the jaw! Takeshita caught Ospreay and drilled him with a
Death Valley Driver on the apron. Ricochet smashed Takeshita
with a meteora on the edge of the ring!

The fans chanted “This is awesome! This is awesome!”

Ospreay rocked Ricochet with a standing Spanish Fly!
Ricochet countered the Storm Breaker. Ricochet blocked the
Hidden Blade attempt with a backslide bomb! Ospreay used a
Styles Clash on Ricochet and went for the cover, but
Takeshita broke up the pin attempt.

Takeshita blasted Ricochet with a Blue Thunder Bomb for a
near fall!

“I thought he had it! I really thought he had it!” said Don

Ospreay and Ricochet decided to team up against Takeshita.
Takeshita took both of them down with wicked forearms.
Ospreay inadvertently kicked Ricochet when Takeshita ducked.

“The fans are standing on their feet, cheering and stomping
their feet! It sounds like a thunderstorm,” said Tony

Will and Ricochet walloped Takeshita with German Suplexes.
Takeshita got his receipt, powering both Will and Ricochet
at the same time with a German Suplex! Takeshita nearly
decapitated Ricochet with a big time lariat for a near fall.

“Ricochet refuses to go quietly. Still though, this is
Takeshita’s match to lose,” said Nigel.

“This is one of the best matches of the year, by far!” added
Tony Schiavone.

Ricochet splashed Ospreay with a shooting star press.
Takeshita bulldozed into Ricochet with a power drive knee
strike. Takeshita grabbed Ricochet on the apron and smashed
him through the table at ringside. Ospreay ran into
Takeshita with two hidden blades. Will went to cover
Takeshita, but Don Callis pulled the referee out of the

Don Callis pulled a screw driver out but Ospreay blocked it!
Ospreay grabbed Callis but Kyle Fletcher jumped into the
ring, blindsiding Ospreay!

“What have you done Kyle Fletcher?” asked a shocked

Fletcher, Takeshita, and Callis had Ospreay surrounded in
the ring. There’s no disqualification in a three-way match.
Takeshita dropped his knee pad and clobbered Ospreay. Callis
grabbed the referee, pulling him over to make the count.
Takeshita covered Ospreay and won via pinfall!

And New AEW International Champion… “The Alpha” Konosuke

“Kyle Fletcher has decided to move on and move up from
Ospreay,” said Nigel.

Fletcher wasn’t done. Fletcher spiked Ospreay with the Tiger

“The move that Will Ospreay said was too dangerous may have
just ended his career,” said Nigel.

“The era of The Alpha as the AEW International Champion has
just begun,” replied Excalibur.

Renee Paquette was backstage with Jerry Lynn and “Freshly
Squeezed” Orange Cassidy!

Jerry Lynn: “Orange, I just wanted to let you know that I’ve
been doing this for 40 years and I’ve never seen anyone like
you. I know you’ve been going through some stuff lately, but
I’ve seen you step up. With all the chaos going on around
here, if you really wanted to, you could be the man. Just
food for thought.”

HOOK approached Orange Cassidy, agreed with Jerry Lynn, and
told Orange to listen to him.

Prince Nana introduced Swerve Strickland, calling the former
AEW World champion down to the ring!

Swerve: “It feels weird being out here without the AEW World
Championship around my waist. I’ll cut to the chase on one
thing. My medical update is a little wonky. I still feel
tingling in the back on my neck. It’s almost like everything
I said about Bryan Danielson is coming back to me now. But
with all that being said, I am medically cleared.

“I wanted to come out here and address my hometown. My
people. I wanted to tell you guys about the past, about the
present, and what I plan to do in the future. And my future

MVP and Shelton Benjamin interrupted!

MVP: “I wanted to talk about your future but maybe your
minion there hasn’t given you my business card because you
haven’t answered my emails. Maybe you’re in deep
contemplation about the decisions you’re going to have to
make about your future.

“Swerve, you and I, we have history. We go way, way back. As
a matter of fact, I believed in you before you believed in
yourself. I was the one who told you about the great things
that laid ahead for you. It’s Swerve’s house! It is! But
your career seems to be floundering just a little bit.

“One thing I’m good at is taking former champions and
reminding them how great they are. So Swerve, now that I’m
here, let’s talk some business, shall we?”

Swerve: “Well, first off, hello. You gave me a lot of great
advice back in 2017. I learned a whole lot that night I beat
you in Defy. I watched you take a lot of great stars and
ascend them to super stardom. That’s inspiring. Just like
you Shelton Benjamin. You were a big inspiration to me too!
You paved the way for guys like me to do what I do in this
ring, for black wrestlers to do what we do in this ring,
that’s because of you.

“I’ve been watching the show the past few weeks and Nana,
the stuff MVP has been saying, he’s not wrong. Nana, since
being with you I lost the main event at All Out, I lost my
childhood home, but most importantly, I lost my
championship, all under your watch. On the other hand, I
wouldn’t have had all these things to begin with if it
wasn’t for you Nana. But MVP, we really do go way back. We
could make some more history. I like having power more than
anybody. I’m already the most dangerous man in AEW, but with
MVP and Shelton backing me up, oh my god.

“Nana, there are still things about you that irk me. The
biggest thing about you Nana, you are family. And I don’t
turn my back on family for anybody. So as far as I’m
concerned, MVP, you can take your little business cards and
shove them up your ass.”

Shelton: “I think you may have misread the situation. We
weren’t asking, we were telling you. There is no you without
use. You’re either with us or against us.”

MVP tried to keep Shelton away from Swerve, and the referees
tried to block Swerve from Shelton, as it was a pure powder

2 Out Of 3 Falls Match!
Hologram vs. LFI’s The Beast Mortos!

Hologram and the Beast Mortos began the match at a fast
pace, going move for move, countering one another. The crowd
erupted in “Lucha!” chants.

Hologram rocketed out of the ring with a tope suicida, the
momentum knocking the Beast Mortos to the arena floor.
Hologram nailed the Beast Mortos with a diving crucifix bomb
and took the first fall, pinning Mortos!

The Beast Mortos got to his feet and connected with a
tornillo through the ropes! The Beast Mortos press slammed
Hologram onto the stage! The Beast Mortos headbutted
Hologram back in the ring. The Beast Mortos hurled Hologram
into the corner turnbuckles with a belly to belly suplex.
Mortos speared Hologram in the midsection.

“Hologram is at the mercy of the Beast Mortos,” said

Hologram avoided another spear and moonsaulted out of the
ring and onto the Beast Mortos! Hologram spiked the Beast
with a poison rana! The Beast Mortos regained momentum with
a power bomb onto his knee. After a discus lariat, the Beast
Mortos pinned Hologram, and the match went to sudden death.

“The next fall determines the winner,” said Excalibur.

Hologram clobbered the Beast Mortos with a reverse
hurracanrana onto the apron! Both men tumbled to the arena
floor. Hologram jumped off the top rope, soaring with
incredible hangtime, and crash landed onto Mortos!

Hologram connected with a diving foot stomp. Mortos blocked
a 450 splash by raising his knees. Mortos nearly knocked
Hologram out of his boots with another lariat! Mortos got a
near fall after an avalanche press slam!

The Beast Mortos nailed Hologram with a power bomb on his
knee and then a lariat, but Hologram kicked out at the two-
count. Hologram dazed Mortos with a super hurracanrana.
Hologram followed up with a swan diving crucifix bomb for a
near fall!

The fans chanted “This is awesome! This is awesome!”

Hologram finished off the Beast Mortos with the Portal Bomb
and pinned Mortos!

“15-0!” said Tony Schiavone.

“Hologram has defied the odds to protect his undefeated
streak here in AEW,” added Excalibur.

Grudge Match!
Darby Allin vs. The House of Black’s Brody King!

Brody swung Darby into the guardrail. Brody repositioned the
steel ring steps. Darby jumped on Brody’s back. Brody
swatted Darby to the floor. Darby jumped off the arena
steps, but Brody was there, clubbing Darby out of the air.
Brody placed the steps across Darby’s torso and then walked
on top of them, all the weight knocking the wind out of

Back in the ring, Brody flattened Darby with a massive
senton for a near fall. Darby dodged a cannonball from
Brody. Darby used his body as a battering ram and flew out
of the ring at Brody with two tope suicidas and then a
coffin drop!

“I’ve never seen anything like Darby in my life in any
sport,” said Tony Schiavone.

Darby stunned Brody with a Code Red, but Brody managed to
kick out. Darby jumped on Brody’s back, but Brody powered
back, sandwiching Darby between Brody’s body and the ring!
Brody flung Darby back with a German Suplex off the ropes!

Darby shoved Brody off the apron, knocking him onto the
steel ring steps. Darby followed up with a coffin drop onto
Brody on the steel steps! Darby nailed Brody with another
coffin drop, this time in the ring, and Darby scored the 1-

“First a Coffin Drop out of the ring, then a Coffin Drop
inside the ring, and Darby Allin has now done what he has
never been able to do in his career. He has pinned Brody
King inside a professional wrestling ring!” said Excalibur.

After the match Brody offered his hand to Darby, and Darby
accepted, both men earning one another’s respect.

AEW World Tag Team Championship Match!
The Young Bucks (c.)—Matthew & Nicholas Jackson
Private Party—Marq Quen & Isiah Kassidy!

Top Flight, Lio Rush, and Action Andretti were scouting the
match from ringside. Stokely Hathaway was watching from the
front row as well.

The Bucks tried to end the party early with superkicks to
Quen and Kassidy on the ramp. Zay found his feet and planted
Matthew and Nicholas. Marq Quen climbed up to the top of the
tunnel and wiped out the Bucks with a swanton!

Zay hit a diving cross body press on Nicholas for a near
fall. Zay jumped over the top with a tornillo, taking down
the Bucks. Matthew and Nicholas answered Zay with a double
superkick! Zay got to his feet and dropkicked Matthew and
Nicholas. Kassidy spiked Matthew with a springboard DDT for
a two-count!

Zay nailed Nicholas with a face plant, but Nicholas kicked
out in the nick of time. The Bucks blocked the Silly String
attempt. Nicholas scored on Private Party, flipping off the
top rope and down onto Quen and Kassidy on the arena floor.

Nicholas crunched Kassidy with a Canadian Destroyer, but
Quen splashed Nicholas with a 450 from the barricade!
Nicholas rallied back with a top rope cutter on Kassidy! The
Bucks grabbed Kassidy for the TK Driver. Quen pulled
Nicholas off the apron. Zay rolled up Matthew for a near

The Bucks pumped up their Reeboks. They superkicked Quen!
Private Party broke up More Bang For Your Buck and countered
with the Gin & Juice for a near fall on Nicholas!

The fans chanted “Private Party! Private Party!”

“Tacoma, Washington is willing them on,” said Excalibur.

Private Party blasted Nicholas with More Bang For Your Buck,
but Matthew jumped in to break up the pin attempt! The Bucks
dished out the EVP Trigger to Kassidy but somehow Kassidy
kicked out of the pin! Zay ducked another EVP Trigger
attempt, rolled up Matthew, but Matthew kicked out at the
two-count! The Bucks spiked Kassidy with the TK Driver and
Matthew grabbed the pin!

“Third time is the charm!” said Nigel.

ROH World Championship Match!
Mark Briscoe (c.) vs. “The Learning Tree” Chris Jericho
(with “The Red Wood” Big Bill)!

Jim Ross joined the broadcast booth for this match.

Both men stepped forward, but Briscoe chopped down Jericho
in the corner. Jericho retaliated with a Code Breaker, but
Briscoe kicked out, barely a one-count. Briscoe rallied back
with redneck kung fu and then dropped an elbow off the

Briscoe took out Jericho and Big Bill with a tope con hiro
on the floor! As the ref was checking on Chris Jericho, Big
Bill booted Mark Briscoe in the head. Orange Cassidy ran
down to even up the odds, smacking Big Bill with three
consecutive orange punches!

Back in the ring, Jericho blistered Briscoe’s chest with
strikes and chops. Jericho took down Mark with a
hurracanrana off the top turnbuckle. Briscoe fired up the
redneck kung fu, smacking Jericho right in the face. Briscoe
followed up with a fishermen buster for a near fall.

Jericho locked on the lion tamer! Briscoe got to the ropes
to force the break. As Jericho was arguing with ref Aubrey
Edwards, Bryan Keith blindsided Briscoe. Rocky Romero
sprinted to the ring and chased Keith to the back. Mark
Briscoe catapulted off a steel chair and landed on Jericho,
crashing through a table at ringside! Briscoe went for the
Froggy Bow, but Jericho countered with the Code Breaker for
a near fall!

Briscoe ducked the Judas Effect once, but a second attempt
caught Briscoe! Jericho spiked Mark with the Jay Driller and
went for the cover but Mark kicked out at the two-count!
Mark Briscoe hit Jericho with a Death Valley Driver,
followed up with a Froggy Bow. Mark pointed to the heavens
and impaled Jericho with the Jay Driller! Briscoe covered
Jericho and pinned Jericho 1-2-3!

“Dem boys forever,” said Mark Briscoe.

WrestleDream Main Event Time!
AEW World Championship Match!
“American Dragon” Bryan Danielson (c.)
Jon Moxley (with Marina Shafir)!

Moxley attacked Danielson before Danielson’s entrance theme
even finished. Danielson shut down Moxley as “The Final
Countdown” played, charging at Mox with a kick. Moxley
wrapped a cord around Danielson, but Danielson escaped Mox’s
grip. Marina jumped on Danielson’s back, and he flung her

Danielson clobbered Mox with the busaiku knee strike and the
arena was going crazy! Danielson jumped off the top rope and
threw his body down at Moxley on the arena floor. Danielson
followed up with a tope suicida! On top of the broadcast
table, Danielson kicked the challenger. Moxley had enough
and spiked Danielson with a piledriver on the Spanish
announce table!

Moxley distracted the referee so Marina could swarm
Danielson with knee strikes. Moxley punished the neck of
Danielson with a neck breaker. Marina moved the mat from the
arena floor, exposing the concrete beneath it. Moxley went
for a piledriver, but Danielson countered with a back body

Danielson sent Moxley flying with a spider suplex from the
turnbuckles. Moxley dodged a diving headbutt and then curb
stomped Danielson. The champion found the strength to hit
Mox with a piledriver!

Both men traded strikes in the center of the ring. Moxley
got the champion down to one knee. Danielson got back up and
clocked Moxley with European uppercuts! Danielson walloped
Moxley with round kicks. Marina interfered again and while
the ref was dealing with her, Moxley rocked Danielson with a
cutter! The referee ejected Marina!

Moxley went for a German Suplex, but Danielson landed on his
feet. Danielson connected with a Busaiku knee strike for a
near fall! Danielson captured Moxley’s wrists and stomped
Moxley’s head in. Danielson applied the LeBell Lock! Moxley
reached the ropes with his boots, forcing the ref to break
the hold.

Danielson went for a tope, but Moxley caught him and
countered with a Death Rider on the exposed concrete! Moxley
mauled Bryan with hammer and anvil elbow strikes. Moxley was
on Danielson’s back, but Danielson muscled Moxley off him by
falling backwards.

Bryan Danielson put the LeBell Lock on, but Moxley escaped
and transitioned to an arm bar. Danielson escaped and caught
Moxley under the chin with a Busaiku knee! Moxley waffled
Danielson with two consecutive lariats!

Moxley drilled Danielson with a Death Rider, but Danielson
kicked out at the one-count!

“A one-count!? Where does he get this from?” asked

Moxley said, “Don’t make me do this.”

Danielson spat at Mox and slapped Mox in the face. Moxley
answered with a Gotch style piledriver! Moxley put Danielson
in a sleeper and Moxley won via ref stoppage!

New AEW World Champion…Jon Moxley!

“This is the end of Danielson’s full time career,” said a
somber Excalibur.

Marina Shafir, Claudio Castagnoli, and PAC came down to the
ring. They placed the AEW World Championship belt into a
black bag. Moxley grabbed a plastic back, but Wheeler Yuta
and Darby Allin ran down to stop Moxley from using the
plastic bag on Danielson yet again. Wheeler Yuta blindsided
Darby and charged at him with a knee strike! Marina and PAC
tied Darby in the corner with duct tape. Moxley handed
Wheeler the plastic bag and Wheeler used the bag on
Danielson. Darby pleaded for Wheeler to stop.

Private Party and Jeff Jarrett sprinted down and tried to
help Danielson. They were outnumbered though. Claudio
stomped on a steel chair that was wrapped around Danielson’s
neck. The rest of the locker room cleared out and Moxley and
his squad retreated. The AEW Medical Team stretchered Bryan
Danielson out of the ring.

“This horrific scene is the worst I’ve ever seen in my
life,” said Tony Schiavone.

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