WWE FRIDAY NIGHT SMACKDOWN/USA NETWORK: October 11 results (F4wonline)

Posted on 10/12/124 by Bob Magee

– Michael Cole welcomed everyone in as shots of Greenville,
South Carolina, were shown. Cole then set up a video package
recapping the Bad Blood main event.

– Jimmy Uso’s music hit and Jimmy walked out. It turns out,
he will be wrestling Solo Sikoa later in the show.

The Roman Reigns/Jimmy Uso segment

This was weird. They clearly worked in spots where they
expected the crowd to respond a lot differently than the way
the crowd actually responded in real time. No real reaction
to the Paul Heyman reference. A anticlimactic end to the
segment. This was kind of a mess, which is very unusual for
any Roman Reigns segment over the last few years. I almost
blame the crowd as much as I blame the writing, but maybe
the live feed just doesn’t have the crowd mic’d up all that
well. Whatever it is, this was the logical next move. Jimmy
was right when he said Roman is a chief without a tribe;
it’s clearly time to get the band back together.

The crowd chanted “Uso!” before Jimmy spoke. Jimmy then
welcomed everyone into SmackDown. Jimmy said he had been out
of action for six months because he put on the shelf by Solo
Sikoa. Jimmy noted how Solo jumped him from behind. Jimmy
said tonight will be about big bro vs. little bro and he
plans on kicking Sikoa’s a … Jimmy was interrupted by Roman
Reigns’s music. Reigns walked out.

The crowd chanted “OTC!” Once in the ring, Reigns put up his
finger and the crowd followed suit. Jimmy gave Roman his
microphone. Roman walked around the ring and the crowd
cheered for him before offering up more “OTC!” chants. Roman
said tonight he was going to change things up a little bit
and told Greenville to join him in acknowledging Jimmy. The
crowd cheered. Reigns asked them again to acknowledge “Big
Jim.” The crowd cheered louder.

Jimmy grabbed a microphone of his own and Roman said he
understood where Roman was coming from. Roman said he’s not
an older brother, so he doesn’t understand revenge. Roman
also said he’s not a wise man, paused, and it weirdly got
little to no reaction. Roman said he is a Tribal Chief and
that means he takes what is his. Roman said they had it all
– the money, power and respect – not that long ago. Roman
recalled how he once told Jimmy to buy all the houses. Roman
said he doesn’t like where they are at right now – being out
of position, being out of control. Roman said he is the
greatest of all time and he wants everyone to know that when
they step foot in the ring, “The GOATs are here.” Roman said
they were “the ones.”

Jimmy chimed in and said they aren’t, though. The crowd
chanted “Yes, you are.” Jimmy said he sees a chief with no
tribe when he sees Roman now. Jimmy said he came back
because Roman needed him. Jimmy said he and Roman need help
and the crowd chanted “Yeet!” Jimmy said he knows one person
they can get help from and the crowd continued its “Yeet!
chant. Roman said “No yeet,” and it was funny. Jimmy said
Roman will forever be his Tribal Chief, but Jimmy is the
only one in the family who still acknowledges Roman. Jimmy
then left the ring while Roman looked dejected in the center
of the ring. That was the end of the segment and it fell


– Cole touted the WWE legends in the crowd at Bad Blood.

LA Knight defeated Carmelo Hayes [9:01]

This was fine for what it was, albeit predictable. With
Hayes and Andrade tied at 3 victories apiece in their
series, there was no way Melo was going to get the win –
especially after Andrade already took a loss to Knight. But
Hayes and Knight worked hard and Hayes continues to feel
more and more like a lasting fit on the main roster with
each passing week. Does this lead to a triple threat for the
U.S. title? Or does this lead to the ultimate series-ended
between Hayes and Andrade?

Knight had the upper hand early, complete with a clothesline
over the top rope. With Hayes on the outside, Andrade showed
up at ringside and Hayes argued with Andrade. Knight took
advantage with a dropkick through the ropes. The two battled
on the outside as the show went to a commercial break. The
show returned and Hayes was working a headlock inside the
ring until Knight suplexed Hayes to even things out.

Knight hit an inverted atomic drop followed by a
clothesline, a pop-up powerslam and an elbow for a two-
count. Knight stomped on Hayes, but Knight then ran into a
super-kick from Hayes. Even so, Knight backdropped Hayes and
the two traded pin attempts before Knight landed a neck-
breaker. Knight went to the second rope and jumped to the
top to then hit an elbow from the top for a nice near-fall.
Knight went for a BFT, but Hayes countered with an axe kick
and a pop-up cutter for a near-fall.

Hayes went to the top rope and briefly hesitated while
looking at Andrade, but he still went for Nothing But Net.
It didn’t matter because Knight moved and the two traded
move attempts. Ultimately, the sequence ended with a BFT
from Knight and that was good enough to get the win. After
the match, Andrade said something to Hayes before leaving


– Jimmy Uso and Cody Rhodes ran into each other backstage.
Cody thanked Jimmy for last Saturday. Jimmy said he
respected Cody for handling business on his own and walked

– A video package for Jakara Jackson and Lash Legend aired.

– Jackson and Legend tried to make their entrance, but Kevin
Owens, complete in a Dusty Rhodes shirt, ran out from the
crowd and grabbed a microphone, trying to tell the crowd
that Cody turned on Owens and not the other way around. They
cut off Owens’s mic so Owens went to a broadcast headset,
but they cut that, too. Cody then walked with purpose to the
ring. Officials ran out to separate everyone and included in
that was Randy Orton. Orton got inside the ring, where Owens
was, and Owens shoved Orton. Orton then hit Owens and the
two looked unhappy with each other. Cody, meanwhile, was
still in the entranceway. Owens left through the crowd.

– The show went to a commercial break, but luckily for
Jackson and Legend, they were still in the ring and the
women’s tag title match was still on. Trick Williams,
meanwhile, was shown in the crowd. Chelsea Green and Piper
Niven were also shown, just sort of hanging out at ringside.

Jade Cargill & Bianca Belair defeated Jakara Jackson & Lash
Legend [2:11]

I have to think this had time cut from it (probably because
of the opening segment running long – great to have you
back, Roman!) because they sure did pack a lot into this in
a short amount of time. So much so, in fact, that it was
quite impressive. Set up the Meta Girls and Green/Niven.
Give the Meta Girls some shine, hitting all their biggest
and best moves on the champs. Offense looked great from the
Meta Girls. Ultimately, tag champs retain. A very good
showing for Jackson and Legend and I hope they stick around,
if only because they deserve more than the two minutes they
got here. Good stuff, even if it was laughably short.

Legend and Jackson jumpstarted the match and Legend worked
over Belair for a pin attempt. From there, Jackson flipped
off Legend’s shoulders onto Belair for a two-count. Jackson
then hit a running neck-breaker on Belair for a two-count.
Cargill and Legend had a brief moment, but Cargill was
disposed to the outside. The rest of the action spilled
outside and Legend kicked Green over the commentary table.
Belair got a hot tag to Cargill after this and the champs
hit their finish on Jackson for the win.


– Cody was shown by his bus with Nick Aldis and Orton. Orton
told Cody to leave because he was going to talk to Kevin and
everyone needed to calm down. Aldis talked about how he
needed Cody to beat Gunther at Crown Jewel. Orton said he’ll
fix it as Cody got on his bus. Aldis said, “Randy Orton,
voice of reason. Who would have thought?”

The Nia Jax/Naomi segment

Jax opened the segment by saying Bayley put up one hell of a
fight at Bad Blood. Jax got the “What?” treatment from the
crowd as she said nobody on the planet could beat her –
especially Liv Morgan. Jax called Morgan a “little girl.”
Jax said she will annihilate Morgan at Crown Jewel and
become the first-ever Crown Jewel Champion. Jax said after
all that, Tiffany Stratton, who was out there with Jax, will
be able to cash in on Liv Morgan. Naomi’s music hit and
Naomi made her entrance. Naomi said they all know the only
reason Jax is still the champion is because the “Brokedown
Barbie” helped, referring to Stratton.

Naomi entered the ring and Jax said it took two to pin Jax
the last time, referring to her match with Naomi and Bayley.
Naomi said she doesn’t need anybody to help her beat Jax.
Jax said she was sick of Naomi’s face. Naomi said she could
beat Jax right here, right now. Jax asked for a referee and
it appeared as though a match was on the horizon. A referee
ran out … but Liv Morgan’s music hit and Morgan walked out
with Raquel and Dirty Dom. Morgan said they came to make an
example out of Jax, but instead, they are going to watch
along as Jax loses to Naomi – just like Jax will lose to
Morgan at Crown Jewel. Jax pushed Naomi and the show went to
a commercial break.

Naomi defeated Nia Jax in a non-title match [9:49 of TV

Good for Naomi. That was fun. Once Cole noted heavily that
it wasn’t a title match, it felt like Naomi was going over,
but no matter the shenanigans, it’s still a big win for
Naomi. My opinions on brand interactions change by the
minute, but I kind of like the surprise of Morgan, her crew
and Ripley showing up on SmackDown. Since we’re combining
brands for Crown Jewel anyway, why not have fun with that in
the walkup to the event? Naomi now has wins over Stratton
and Jax – and both matches were very good, to boot. You love
to see it. As for the LDF/Aldis segment … this means Shelley
and Sabin are showing up next week, right?

The match was shown in progress and Naomi was kind of toying
with Jax until Jax overpowered her and worked Naomi’s back.
Jax ran Naomi into the ring post and posed on the apron
before running Naomi’s head into the ring post. Jax then
worked a chin-lock. Naomi worked out of it and planted Jax,
but Jax rolled under the bottom rope, where Naomi hit her
split-leg-drop. Jax walked on the outside of the ring and
Naomi dropkicked Jax into the ring post. Naomi hopped onto
the barricade, but Jax caught her and hit a Samoan Drop on
Naomi on the outside. Jax then told Morgan and Dom they were
nasty and the show went to a commercial break.

The show returned and Jax had control until she missed a
Senton. Naomi followed up with a series of kicks and a
running bulldog into the second turnbuckle. Naomi then
landed a cross-body from the top for a good near-fall. Naomi
hit a springboard kick to the head and then landed a
corkscrew plancha on Jax, who was on the outside of the
ring. Stratton tried to attack Naomi, but Raquel stopped
Stratton and Naomi kicked Stratton. Naomi went to the top,
but Jax cut her off and set up for her finisher. Raquel
distracted the referee and Morgan hit Jax with the MITB
briefcase. From there, Naomi hit a running powerbomb on Jax
and got the win.

After the match, Rhea Ripley’s music hit and Ripley attacked
Raquel. Morgan retreated into the ring, where Jax grabbed
Morgan. Ripley took out Jax and Morgan and Dom and the heels
retreated back up the entranceway.


– Carmelo Hayes was walking backstage with an ice pack and
ran into Aldis. Melo said Andrade screwed Melo out of the
U.S. title. Aldis brought up Game 7 between Andrade and
Hayes with the winner getting a U.S. title shot. Legado Del
Fantasma showed up. Santos Escobar told Aldis that Melo and
Andrade seem to have a permanent spot in his title lineup.
Aldis said Escobar came up short in his shot at the U.S.
title. Aldis said next week, Los Garza will face a special
team and if Los Garza win, they will receive a tag title

– Solo Sikoa was shown in a dark room and said Jimmy might
be big brother, but tonight, Sikoa is his Tribal Chief and
Jimmy will acknowledge him.

– Cole reminded everyone that in two weeks, WreslteMania
tickets will go on sale.

– A video package highlighting last week’s tag-team triple
threat match aired.

– The Street Profits and #DIY were shown talking to Aldis
backstage. Aldis said a new team will be in next week and
all the members of the teams yelled. Out of nowhere, Aldis
looked concerned and Aldis ran over to Kevin Owens, who was
stomping on Randy Orton outside of the venue. Officials
ultimately broke things up, but Orton sold the attack.

– Cole mistakenly called Kevin Owens Kevin Dunn while
talking from the desk. So, there’s that. Cole then set up a
video recap of the Punk/McIntyre Hell In A Cell match from
Bad Blood.

– A recap of Sikoa turning on Jimmy from April aired before
the main event.

Solo Sikoa defeated Jimmy Uso [13:57]

Well, in terms of Uso brothers matches in the year 2024,
this was certainly a step up from Jimmy vs. Jey at
WrestleMania. It was good to see Jimmy back and it looked
like he didn’t have too much rust – especially for someone
who hasn’t wrestled in six months. They told a very good
story with Jimmy being unsettled at how outnumbered he was
and the Bloodline ultimately getting the best of the
situation because of it. Who do we think is the person Jimmy
is talking about? Jey? Sami? Maybe even Heyman? It should be
fun to see how it plays out. Meanwhile, what, exactly, is up
with The Rock?

The bell rang and Jimmy looked to the outside of the ring,
where Sikoa’s Bloodline stood. Jimmy looked concerned and
Sikoa told Jimmy he is his Tribal Chief. Jimmy looked
flustered. Jimmy teased acknowledging Sikoa and instead
attacked Sikoa. It wasn’t long before Sikoa ran at Jimmy,
but Jimmy moved and Sikoa went to the outside. From there,
Jimmy hit a suicide dive through the ropes and the crowd
chanted “Uso!”

Back in the ring, Jimmy came off the top, but Sikoa
countered with somewhat of a spike to Jimmy’s throat. Jacob
Fatu hit Jimmy, who was draped over the bottom rope. Sikoa
toyed with Jimmy until Jimmy ran Sikoa’s head into a series
of turnbuckles. Jimmy went for a suplex, but Sikoa blocked
it and clotheslined Jimmy on the apron. Sikoa then punched
Jimmy off the apron and Fatu attacked Jimmy again on the
outside. Sikoa put his finger in the air and the show went
to a commercial break.

The show returned and Sikoa landed a hip attack on Jimmy.
Jimmy smacked Sikoa and fired up, but it didn’t really
matter because Sikoa came back with a spinning heel kick.
For the third time, Fatu hit Jimmy while the referee wasn’t
looking. Sikoa lifted Jimmy, but Jimmy got out of it and
landed a DDT to even things out. Jimmy chopped the hell out
of Sikoa, but Sikoa came back with a Spinning Solo for a
good near-fall.

Sikoa hit another hip attack and posed for the crowd, who
booed him. Sikoa went for yet another hip attack, but he ran
into a super-kick from Jimmy. After a few failed attempts,
Jimmy landed a urinage and went to the top to hit a cross-
body for a two-count. Fatu and the rest of the Bloodline
hopped on the apron and Jimmy fought them off. Jimmy then
hit a Samoan Drop on Sikoa for a two-count. Jimmy went to
the top, but Tama Tonga distracted the referee and Fatu
pushed Jimmy off the top. Sikoa then hit the Samoan Spike
and got the pin as a result of it.

Roman’s music hit and it took him a minute, but Roman
walked/ran to the ring and took everyone out with a bunch of
Superman Punches. Roman was left alone with Sikoa. “OTC!”
chants broke out. Roman and Solo exchanged punches, but Fatu
attacked Roman. Jimmy tried to help, but Fatu took Jimmy
out, complete with a moonsault. Sikoa hit a Samoan Spike on
Reigns and Reigns sold the hell out of it. Sikoa and his
Bloodline left the ring as his music played. Jimmy mouthed
to Roman, “We need him, we need help,” off mic as they both
sold pain in the ring. The show closed with Sikoa and his
Bloodline standing tall and Roman and Jimmy selling the
effects of their attack.

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