Posted on 10/06/124 by Bob Magee

Tonight’s AEW COLLISION was broadcast on TNT from the
Huntington Center in Toledo, OH!

Tony Schiavone and Nigel McGuinness were the broadcast team
for tonight’s event.

It’s Saturday night and you know what that means! This is
for the Sickos!

Darby Allin came down to the ring to kick off Collision!

Darby Allin vs. Johnny TV!

Johnny posed in the middle of the match, taunting Darby.
Darby grabbed a side headlock takeover, but Johnny came back
with one of his own. Johnny TV poked Darby in the eyes and
followed up with a sliding German Suplex.

“Seamless offense,” said Nigel.

Darby rallied back with a superplex to Johnny TV. Johnny
rolled out of the ring to collect his thoughts and his
breath. Johnny smashed Darby with a Russian Leg Sweep off
the apron to the arena floor. Johnny knocked Darby for a
somersault backwards off the ring steps with a knee strike.
Darby rallied back with a coffin drop from the top!

Darby dodged a Starship Pain and hit a Code Red on Johnny TV
for a near fall. Darby wasted no time with another coffin
drop, driving Johnny TV to the mat and scoring the pin!

Darby Allin: “Cut the music. On Dynamite I issued an open
challenge. WrestleDream on October 12th, anyone in the back,
if you want to make your name off Darby, step up. Come out!
I’m here right now! That’s what I thought. A locker room
full of complacent people. Nobody is going to step up?”

As Darby left the ring, the House of Black’s Brody King
shoved Darby all the way down to the bottom of the ramp!
Brody power bombed Darby onto the hard edge of the apron!

“I accept! WrestleDream! Just violence!” said Brody King.

Up next: Christian Cage and Mother Wayne walked onto the

Christian Cage: “Sit down and shut your mouths while I
conduct my business. Now you’re all in for a very special
surprise this evening. I will not be signing and executing
this contract here tonight. Your special surprise is that my
son Nick Wayne will be competing tonight in that very ring.

“If you don’t show him that proper respect, I will jump over
the guardrail and slap each of you in your stupid faces. I
am the face of TBS and TNT, now and forever!”

A vignette aired with The Outrunners training FTR!

“It looks like FTR now have the stuff!” said Tony Schiavone.

The Outrunners—Truth Magnum & Turbo Floyd
The Grizzled Young Veterans—Zack Gibson & James Drake!

Truth took down Drake with a deep arm drag. Turbo Floyd
tagged in, and outmuscled Gibson, Drake and Gibson showed
team synergy and hit Turbo with tandem offense. But the
Outrunners cleaned house on the Grizzled Young Vets with
double atomic drops!

The Grizzled Young Veterans worked over Truth’s leg. Turbo
grabbed a tag, and he scoop slammed Gibson and Drake over
and over again. The Outrunners hit a double bicep drop on
Drake. Drake blindsided Magnum with a kick to the head.
Gibson hoisted Truth while Drake climbed up top. Turbo
knocked Drake off the top rope and Truth cradled Gibson with
a victory roll and picked up the upset victory!

Willow Nightingale vs. The Infantry’s “The Afropunk” Trish

AEW Women’s World Champion “The Glamour” Mariah May was
watching from ringside.

Willow connected with a shoulder tackle and then a splash to
Trish for a near fall. Willow followed up with a snap
suplex. Trish fried back with a snap suplex of her own,
showing off tremendous power. Willow unleashed a pounce
tackle on Trish, sending Trish halfway across the ring!

Trish managed to hit Willow with a creative neck breaker.
Willow clobbered Trish in the corner with clubbing shots and
then a shotgun dropkick for a near fall.

“I think Mariah May is very impressed with what she’s seen
here tonight,” said Tony Schiavone.

Trish Adora connected with a big running cross body press,
looking very impressive. Trish planted Willow with a
beautiful bridging German Suplex, but Willow kicked out at
the two-count. Willow rallied back with the Babe With The
Powerbomb and won via pinfall!

After the match, Mariah May and Willow brawled around the
ring! Mariah escaped a power bomb attempt and retreated up
the ramp after slapping Willow in the face!

Alicia Atout was backstage with Wheeler Yuta for an

“The Bastard” Pac, Claudio Castagnoli, and Marina Shafir
surrounded Wheeler.

Wheeler: “Do we have a problem, partner?”

Pac: “I am not your partner!”

Claudio: “All right, everybody out. Let it out, Wheeler.”

Wheeler: “Claudio, I trusted you. I did everything you
asked. I have bled for you. And what have you done? Who are
you? I don’t even know anymore. What do you have to say for

Claudio: “Did I ever steer you wrong? I wish you would still
trust me because I always had your back. What did Bryan
Danielson ever do for you? No matter what happens, I will
always have your back.”

Wheeler Yuta (one-third of the AEW World Trios Champions)
Beef (with Anthony Henry)!

Beef blasted Yuta in the corner. Jon Moxley, Marina Shafir,
and Pac were watching the match from back in the arena. Yuta
back dropped Beef. Yuta stomped a mudhole into Beef. Yuta
battered Beef with hammer and anvil blows. Yuta applied the
Cattle Mutilation, and the ref stopped the match.

“Wheeler Yuta is conflicted,” said Tony Schiavone.

Lexy Nair was backstage with HOOK!

HOOK: “I’m going to keep this real simple. Who ever attacked
my father, I’m calling you out. At Title Tuesday, no more
hiding, come and say it to my face!”

The Conglomeration’s “Freshly Squeezed” Orange Cassidy &
Kyle O’Reilly (with Rocky Romero)
The Premier Athlete’s Ariya Daivari & Tony Nese (with Josh
Woods & “Smart” Mark Sterling)!

Nese and Daivari ambushed the Conglomeration, trying to get
a quick start on the match and their opposition. Orange took
them down with a double hurracanrana. Kyle PK’ed Nese.
Orange pulped Nese with a tope suicida.

Orange nailed Nese with a stundog millionaire. Daivari wiped
out Orange with a running lariat. Nese hit Kyle with a
shoulder breaker. Orange drilled Nese with a DDT! Sterling
jumped on the apron to distract the ref while Josh Woods
pulled Orange to the arena floor. Luckily Rocky Romero was
there to even up the odds and handle Woods. Sterling rocked
Rocky with a low blow, and then Woods began to kick Rocky.

ROH World Champion Mark Briscoe came out and brawled with
Josh Woods. Briscoe served up Redneck Kungfu, taking Woods
out of play. Orange decked Sterling and then connected with
an Orange Punch on Nese. Orange hit the Beach Break on Nese
and picked up the pinfall while Kyle had Daivari down in a
guillotine choke!

Lexy Nair was backstage with TBS Champion and NJPW STRONG
Champion “The CEO” Mercedes Moné along with “The Brickhouse”

Kris Statlander interrupted and told them to watch her match

4-Way Match!
Hologram vs. Komander (with Alex Abrahantes) vs. Action
Andretti vs. Nick Wayne!

Action sat out with a senton on Komander. Action scoop
slammed Komander. Nick Wayne jumped in with a kick to
Andretti’s back. Wayne cracked Komander with a PK. Hologram
rocketed out of the ring with a tope to Komander. Hologram
followed up with a 450 splash to Nick Wayne for a near fall.

The fans chanted “This is awesome! This is awesome!”

Andretti took down Komander with a Spanish Fly! Hologram got
spiked by a poison rana from Komander! Komander followed up
with a splash after walking the ropes. Nick planted Komander
with the Wayne’s World. Andretti took down Wayne with a

Hologram hoisted up Andretti in an airplane spin,
transitioning to a blue thunder bomb, and pinned Action

“This young man is building some momentum! I see gold in his
future. The question is who and when?” said Nigel.

Kris Statlander vs. Zoey Lynn!

Stat press slammed Zoey Lynn with ease! Statlander spiked
Lynn with that Staturday Night Fever and pinned Lynn!

After the match, TBS Champion and NJPW STRONG Champion “The
CEO” Mercedes Moné along with “The Brickhouse” Kamille,
walked onto the ramp!

Mercedes: “Toledo! Shut the hell up! I have something nice
to say. Kris, that was very impressive. We’re really
impressed but I am the face of this women’s division. I am
the CEO of AEW. So that means nobody is going to disrespect
me. So you’re going to be next to find out what happens when
you mess with Merecedes.”

Kamille got into the ring and pump kicked Statlander. Kris
got back up, but Kamille planted her with the Road to

Collision Main Event Time! AEW Tag Team Title Eliminator
Match For WrestleDream!
Private Party—Marq Quen & Isiah Kassidy
vs. Top Flight—Dante & Darius Martin
vs. House of Black’s Malakai Black and Buddy Matthews!

Private Party and Top Flight slugged it out while House of
Black watched calmly from the apron. Buddy had a blind tag,
and the House of Black slid under the ropes and battered
Private Party with shots. House of Black power bombed Zay
onto the ring apron.

Back in the ring, Dante strung together a flurry of offense
on House of Black and then frog splashed Marq Quen. Zay
entered the ring to make the save. Zay hit Darius with a
cutter from the top rope. Private Party planted Darius with
the Silly String.

House of Black smashed Darius with a double knee strike.
Dante cracked Black with a jumping knee strike. Darius
drilled Zay with a fisherman bomb. Andretti threw a bottle
of water at Buddy Matthews. Dante flew out with a tope to
the House of Black members. Isiah flipped over the top rope
with a con hiro onto the pile outside the ring. Private
Party served up Gin & Juice to Dante and picked up the

“Private Party will face the Young Bucks for the AEW World
Tag Team titles at WrestleDream,” said Nigel.

***Special Programming Note***Catch AEW DYNAMITE: Title
Tuesday on TBS next Tuesday live at special start time of
9/8ct from the Spokane Arena in Spokane, WA!

Tickets On Sale Now! –

We are one week away! Mark your calendar! AEW WrestleDream
is taking place at the Tacoma Dome on Saturday, October
12th, and will be live on pay-per-view! Secure your tickets

And remember… We are AEW—Where The Best Wrestle!

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