ALL ELITE WRESTLING DYNAMITE/TBS: Dynamite 5 Fifth Anniversary show results

Posted on 10/03/124 by Bob Magee

AEW DYNAMITE: 5th Year Anniversary was broadcast live on TBS
from the Petersen Events Center in Pittsburgh, PA!

Excalibur, Nigel McGuinness, and Tony Schiavone were the
broadcast team for tonight’s event.

It’s Wednesday night and you know what that means!

The Blackpool Combat Club issued stern warnings for both
Wheeler Yuta and Bryan Danielson! Moxley said that he’d be
relieving Danielson of his duties at Wrestle Dream!

The Opening Match: For the AEW International Championship!
“The Aerial Assassin” Will Ospreay (c.) vs. Ricochet!

Before the match, Don Callis was backstage with Kyle
Fletcher and Konosuke Takeshita. As Ospreay was getting
ready to walk out for his match, Callis said they needed to
talk. Ospreay said it wasn’t a good time, and then Callis
said they had a flight to catch.

Before Ricochet and Ospreay even locked up, the fans chanted
“This is awesome! This is awesome!”

Both men went move for move, countering one another, evenly

“They know each other so well,” said Schiavone.

“The fans are on their feet for an absolute dream rematch,”
replied Nigel.

Ricochet nailed Will with a back breaker and followed up
with a tope suicida. Ricochet took down Will with a
hurracanrana off the guardrail! Ricochet followed up with a
stalling senton back in the ring. Ospreay fired back with a
springboard elbow strike.

Ricochet countered an around-the-world kick with two lariats
to Ospreay. Ospreay rocked Ricochet with a Spanish Fly for a
near fall. Ricochet prevented the Os-Cutter by shoving
Ospreay off the ropes. Ospreay connected with an Os-Cutter
on the apron, though!

Both champion and challenger jockeyed for position on the
top rope. Ricochet went for a super hurracanrana, but
Ospreay landed on his feet. Ricochet rallied back with an
Os-Cutter! Ricochet kicked Will in the side of the head
after Will flipped off Ricochet. Will went for the Hidden
Blade, but Ricochet dodged it and spiked Ospreay with a
backslide bomb and then a twisting piledriver for a near

Ospreay hit a Stundog Millionaire and then a Styles Clash
but Ricochet kicked out at the two-count! Ospreay landed an
Os-Cutter, but Ricochet kicked out, still alive and in the
hunt. Will removed his elbow pad. Ricochet ducked the Hidden
Blade and smacked Will with a Hidden Blade of his own.
Ricochet connected with a shooting star press for a near
fall on the champion!

“The champion refuses to give up his title!” said Nigel.

Ospreay countered the Vertigo with a reverse hurracanrana.
Ricochet got to his feet and found a hurracanrana of his
own! Ospreay unleashed a Hidden Blade and landed on top of
Ricochet. The shoulders of both men were down, and the ref
counted to three!

The match was ruled a draw by referee Rick Knox.

Tony Khan informed Justin Roberts that the match would

Both men traded elbows, slugging it out in the center of the
ring! Ospreay caught Ricochet with a Hidden Blade! Konosuke
Takeshita jumped in the ring and grounded and pounded
Ospreay! Takeshita wiped out Ospreay with a PowerDrive knee
strike! Takeshita planted Ricochet with the Raging Fire!

Takeshita grabbed the International Championship belt and
held it high, calling his shot.

TBS Champion “The CEO” Mercedes Moné was backstage with

Mercedes: “Please say hello to your CEO. I’ve had the truck
put together a small package of my best moments in Dynamite
history. Hit it, ‘Money’ Mike!”

A highlight package aired showcasing the CEO!

Mercedes: “Wasn’t that amazing? AEW’s best moments is all
about me. AEW’s future is so bright because Moné changes

MVP walked onto the scene.

MVP: “Yes, it does! And I absolutely love big business. So
please take my card. Perhaps we should talk.”

Renee Paquette tried to interview Austin and Colten Gunn
backstage but…

“Hangman” Adam Page interrupted, completely unhinged, and
dismantled the Gunns!

Up next: TV Time with “The Learning Tree” Chris Jericho, and
“The Redwood” Big Bill and “Bad Apple” Bryan Keith!

Jericho: “Hi, guys. There wouldn’t be a new TV deal or an
AEW if it wasn’t for Chris Jericho. So you can thank me for
that. Not only is this the 5th anniversary of Dynamite
today, it’s also the 34th anniversary of my pro wrestling

“At this stage of my career, I thought I wasn’t as focused
as winning championships as I was nurturing new talents in
the Jericho Vortex and getting as much TV time as I can. Now
it’s time for a new era of Jericho. The Ocho is gone. Time
to bring on the Nueve. Mark Briscoe, I’m challenging you to
a ROH World Title match at Wrestle Dream. Do you accept Mark

ROH World Champion Mark Briscoe walked onto the ramp and
down to the ring with the Conglomeration!

Briscoe: “Chris Jericho, my dad brought us up to behave like
men. And part of behaving like men is not to make excuses.
The only way you picked up a victory over me in New York
City is because Big Bill choke slammed me and put your limp
body on me. But I’m not going to say that. You pinned me in
New York City in the middle of the ring.

“Behaving like a man entails calling it like it is, calling
a spade a spade. I’m going to call Chris Jericho what he is.
For the last four decades you’ve been one of the finest pro
wrestlers on this planet. And it works out good for me
because logically speaking, you should be getting a title
shot and I’d love to put that notch in my belt. The word of
the day is consequential. Consequently speaking I’m going to
put a legendary head on my wall because when I beat you at
Wrestle Dream…”

Jericho: “Whoa, whoa, whoa, I don’t think you can do it. You
can’t beat me. Maybe your brother Jay could have. But
everybody knows you’ll never be as good as Jay was.”

Briscoe decked Jericho, knocking Jericho to the mat.

Briscoe: “Get my brother’s name out of my damn mouth, you
understand me? I accept your challenge. That right there is

Darby Allin was in a junkyard and said he is going to be at
Wrestle Dream!

Darby Allin: “I am putting out an open challenge because I
have nothing else to lose! Step up!”

“Hangman” Adam Page vs. The Bang Bang Gang’s Juice Robinson!

The fighting started fast on the ramp! Juice whipped Page
with a leather strap! Hangman grabbed the strap and began to
use it on Juice’s back! Page propped a table against a
guardrail. Juice countered a piledriver attempt with a
backdrop to Page. They brawled up the stands and Page
threatened referee Aubrey Edwards.

They brawled back to the ring and the match finally began.
Juice superplexed Hangman, both men feeling the aftermath of
a rough landing. Juice softened up Hangman with left handed
jabs. Hangman avoided the cannonball in the corner from

Juice planted Hangman with a spinebuster on the apron. Juice
clobbered Page with a cannonball, ramming Adam Page through
the barricade. Page countered a cross body with a fall away
slam into the bottom turnbuckle!

Juice managed to power bomb Page and cover him, but Page
kicked out at the two-count. Hangman grabbed the referee and
hit Juice with a low blow, out of sight of Aubrey Edwards.
Hangman blasted Juice with the buckshot lariat and stole the

“Tough break for Juice Robinson,” said Tony Schiavone.

“He earned it, but it was only after the low blow that the
ref didn’t see,” replied Excalibur.

After the match, Hangman took the leather belt and put it
around Juice, trying to hang Juice over the top rope.

“Switchblade” Jay White made his return! Jay White jumped in
the ring and drilled Page with a running lariat!

“He wiped him out!” said Tony.

Jay White grounded and pounded Page until Page retreated
from the ring! Jay White pursued Page! Jay White speared
Hangman through the table that Page had propped up against a
guardrail earlier!

Renee Paquette awaited TNT Champion “The Scapegoat” Jack
Perry backstage!

Perry pulled up in his bus. Katsuyori Shibata got into
Perry’s face! Via his iPhone translator app, Shibata said:
“You and me, TNT Championship, Wrestle Dream.”

Perry: “I’ll think about it.”

Perry walked away, only to charge back and blindside Shibata
with a cheap shot!

Perry: “I accept!”

Doctor vs. Professor!
“The Professor” Serena Deeb vs. Dr. Britt Baker, D.M.D.!

Britt tried to end it early, looking for the lock jaw, but
Deeb slipped free. AEW Women’s World Champion “The Glamour”
Mariah May was scouting the match from the front row.

The Professor applied a single leg crab, but Baker reached
the ropes. Baker used a neck breaker to take Deeb down. Deeb
nailed Baker with a chop block and then a lariat.

Baker served up a sling blade and then a fishermen neck
breaker for a near fall. Deeb rallied back with a dragon
screw and then a power bomb. Deeb drilled Baker with a
German Suplex and then a lariat.

Baker countered the Deeb Tox with an air raid crash in the
center of the ring. Baker hit an avalanche air raid crash on
Deeb, but Deeb showed tremendous toughness, kicking out at
the two-count! Baker grabbed Deeb in the Lock Jaw and forced
Deeb to tap out!

Serena Deeb blindsided Britt after the match, wrenching back
on Britt’s leg. Queen Aminata ran to the ring and jumped on
top of Deeb! The Queen and the Professor brawled into Deeb
rolled out of the ring. Queen Aminata helped Baker to her

Renee Paquette interviewed HOOK backstage, asking if he had
any information about the attack that took place earlier
today on HOOK’s father, Taz.

HOOK: “You start stuff with my family, I’m going to find out
who did it and I’m going to come for you!”

Christian Cage was backstage!

Christian Cage: “The business at hand is the five year
anniversary of Dynamite. You haven’t seen anything yet. I am
the face of AEW, now and forever. I am the Patriarch. I am
your father figure. And soon enough I will have it all,
hook, line and sinker.”

Renee Paquette interviewed AEW Women’s World Champion Mariah
May backstage.

Mariah May: “Willow Nightingale is the definition of failing

Willow: “You’re the shady bitch here!”

Mariah May: “Shut up!”

Willow smacked Mariah!

The women brawled entire Christopher Daniels and AEW
security separated them!

Private Party—Marq Quen and Zay
The Iron Savages—Bronson and Boulder!

Private Party hit a double dropkick on Boulder. Stokely
Hathaway was watching the match backstage, clapping his
hands in delight. Private Party ended things quickly with
the Gin and Juice!

Zay: “Let me get something off my chest. At the beginning of
this year, we walked into Dynamite and said new year, new
champs, and I swear we meant every word. I don’t care if my
hand is messed up. We will be your next AEW Tag Team
champions! Young Bucks, I hope you’re listening. We beat you
once and I promise you we can do it again. Matt, Nick, let’s
do this right here, right now!”

AEW World Tag Team Champions The Young Bucks appeared on the

Nicholas: “Listen, you can’t have an anniversary show
without the two people who built this damn company, your
EVPs, Matthew and Nicholas Jackson!”

Matthew: “Private Party, you seem confident. Why don’t we
put our World Tag Team titles on the line right here, right
now in Pittsburgh!” Actually we have super limited days and
we’re not going to waste one on a crappy town like

Jack Perry ambushed Private Party and then the Bucks entered
the ring, making it a three on two beat down. Shibata
sprinted to the ring and the Elite wanted no part of a fair

Christopher Daniels: “Hold on a minute! Private Party you’ve
been a thorn in the sides of the Young Bucks since the
beginning of Dynamite. How about Private Party and Shibata
team up this Friday on Rampage against Jack Perry and the
Bucks, right here in Pittsburgh!”

Renee Paquette was backstage and welcomed MVP to AEW!

MVP: “Yes, I have a big announcement to make. I’d like to
take a moment—”

Prince Nana walked onto the set and interrupted MVP!

Prince Nana: “Whoa, whoa, whoa! Last week in New York City
you were talking real spicy about me and Swerve! A lot of
people forgot that Prince Nana used to be a wrestler. I’ll
lace up these boots right here in Pittsburgh just for you.”

MVP: “That sounds like a complaint. I don’t deal with
complaints. But he does.”

Prince Nana: “Who?”

MVP: “I’d like to introduce you and AEW to the manager of
our complaint department, Mr. Shelton Benjamin!”

Title vs. Title!
AEW World Champion “American Dragon” Bryan Danielson
Continental Champion “The Rainmaker” Kazuchika Okada!

The Continental Championship will be at stake for the first
20 minutes of the match.

There was a stalemate early on. Okada was wrestling
defensively, perhaps trying to run out the clock. Danielson
dropkicked Okada through the ropes. Okada flap jacked
Danielson onto the mat.

Okada rolled out of the way of a diving headbutt from
Danielson. Okada drilled Danielson with a DDT for a near
fall. Okada connected with a dropkick, knocking Danielson
off the top turnbuckle and out to the arena floor.

Danielson whipped Okada into the barricade. Danielson
followed up with a tope suicida. Danielson dropkicked Okada
in the back at the 16 minute mark. Danielson and Okada
traded open handed strikes. Okada dropkicked Danielson and
then body slammed him. Okada hit an elbow drop from the top
rope and Danielson clutched his forearm.

Bryan countered the Rainmaker attempt with elbows to the
crown of Okada’s head. Bryan Danielson applied the LeBell
Lock at 19 minutes. Okada got his boot on the bottom rope.
Danielson smashed into Okada with a running knee strike.
Okada rolled out to the floor with 10 seconds remaining. 20
minutes had elapsed, and Okada’s championship was safe.

“Now Okada has nothing to lose!” said Nigel.

Danielson jumped from the top rope and flipped onto Okada.
Okada grabbed Danielson and nailed Danielson with a
piledriver on a steel chair!

The fans chanted “This is awesome! This is awesome!”

Back in the ring, Danielson clobbered Okada with kicks and
chops. Okada hit another dropkick. Danielson secured Okada’s
wrists and hammered Okada with heel shots to the jaw. Okada
connected with the rainmaker clothesline!

Okada had Danielson dazed after forearm strikes. Danielson
got back to his feet and battered Okada with repeated shots
and a rolling elbow strike. Okada nailed Danielson with a
running knee strike for a near fall!

Danielson clocked Okada with a rainmaker lariat of his own!
Okada planted Danielson on his neck! Claudio Castagnoli and
“The Bastard” Pac walked to the ringside area. Danielson
managed to grab Okada in a backslide and score the pin!

“Danielson is still the champ! They were trying to
intimidate both of them knowing that Jon Moxley is dead
ahead,” said Tony Schiavone.

“That’s speculation, Tony, but whatever the intention was,
it was a momentary distraction to Okada that allowed
Danielson to capture the backslide,” replied Excalibur.

Okada walloped Danielson with a rainmaker after the match!
Okada flipped off Pac and Claudio and left the ring.

Claudio and Pac got into the ring and held up Danielson.
Moxley and Marina Shafir came down to the ring!

Moxley: “You think this is about me? Is that what you said?
Let’s get something through your simple minded brain. None
of this is about me! I’m planning for something much bigger
than myself. If any of this was about me, I’d have put you
out of your misery years ago!”

“Who is forcing Jon Moxley’s hand in all of this?” wondered

Wheeler Yuta sprinted to the ring with a hammer to come to
the aid of Bryan Danielson! Moxley, Marina, Pac, and Claudio
retreated from the ring.

Moxley snuck up behind Wheeler and dared Wheeler to use the
hammer. Danielson and Yuta brawled with Pac and Claudio as
Moxley retrieved the hammer from Yuta.

Wheeler Yuta: “Claudio! Pac! I am sick and tired of the two
of you treating me like a child! I’m not a child. I am my
own man! I can make my own decisions, and I can fight my own
fights. And speaking of fights, next week, Title Tuesday, if
the two of you want to get to Bryan Danielson, you’ll have
to go through me too!”

Danielson: “Next week, Title Tuesday, Bryan Danielson and
Wheeler Yuta against Claudio and Pac!”

“Tony Khan has made this match official for next week!” said

This Friday tune in to AEW RAMPAGE at 10/9c on TNT!

Don’t miss AEW COLLISION on Saturday on TNT at 8/7c from the
Huntington Center in Toledo, OH!

***Special Programming Note***Catch AEW DYNAMITE: Title
Tuesday on TBS next Tuesday live at special start time of
9/8ct from the Spokane Arena in Spokane, WA!

Tickets On Sale Now! –

Mark your calendar! AEW WrestleDream is taking place at the
Tacoma Dome on Saturday, October 12th, and will also be live
on pay-per-view! Secure your tickets now!

And remember… We are AEW—Where The Best Wrestle!

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