NXT ON CW: Vignette for new NXT arrival Delta airs on TV

Posted on 10/02/124 by Colin Vassallo

A vignette for a new NXT arrival aired last night prior to
the main event of the show.

The 20-second promo showed a red-headed woman walking down a
highway in the desert with a skyline showing in the
distance. As the camera pans upwards, you see the highway
sign with 10 and 27 shown, numbers that suggest October 27.

October 27 is NXT’s next premium live event Halloween Havoc
which will be held at the Giant Center in Hershey,

The vignette is to promote the arrival of Australian star
Delta, who signed with the company a few months ago.

Delta wrestled her last match for Riot City Wrestling in her
home country this past July.

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