NXT ON CW: Cora Jade returns on NXT and aligns herself with Roxanne Perez

Posted on 10/02/124 by Colin Vassallo

Cora Jade made her return to NXT last night and caused Gulia
her NXT Women’s title, helping her frenemy Roxanne Perez
defeat the Japanese star.

Jade interfered in the match wearing a hoodie, attacking
Giulia just as Perez was distracting the referee while
holding the NXT Women’s title. Jade pulled Giulia outside
the ring and hit a DDT on the floor, then threw Giulia back
in the ring and Perez delivered the Pop Rocks for the win.

With Perez celebrating in the ring, Jade removed her hoodie
to reveal herself as Perez looked amused. The two were best
friends in the past before Jade turned on Perez.

This was Jade’s first appearance since January. She had been
out injured with a torn ACL she suffered at an NXT non-
televised live event. She blew her knee just a month after
returning from a five-month break.

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