WWE FRIDAY NIGHT SMACKDOWN/USA NETWORK: September 27 results (F4wonline)

Posted on 9/28/124 by Bob Magee

– Michael Cole welcomed everyone into the show and
instantly, Randy Orton’s music hit. Orton then walked out.

The Randy Orton/Cody Rhodes/Bloodline segment

The slow burn between Owens, Orton and Cody is sort of fun,
but I do worry that it has a short shelf life. Does this
also mean that Orton and Owens ultimately turn heel? It was
nice to see Orton back on SmackDown – the show has missed
his star power and he instantly makes any TV show he’s on
more intriguing, if only because it’s hard ever 100-percent
trust him in any situation. Also of note: Sikoa has gotten a
lot better on the mic since settling into this role as the
leader of The Bloodline 2.0. He feels a lot more comfortable
getting heat on the mic and he feels more and more like an
actual player as each week passes. It might not come in
large doses, but incrementally, he deserves a lot of credit
for growing into this role.

Orton started by saying it’s been a minute and he’s missed
being in a SmackDown ring on Friday nights. Orton then
formally welcomed everyone into Friday Night SmackDown. The
crowd chanted “Randy!” Orton said he could count the amount
of people he trusts in this business on one hand, but Cody
Rhodes is one of those people he can trust. Orton said it’s
interesting that Cody is teaming that Roman at Bad Blood and
it doesn’t sit right with him. As a result, Orton asked Cody
to come out and give Orton an explanation. Cody’s music hit
and Cody made his entrance.

The crowd chanted “Cody!” after Cody joined Orton in the
ring. Cody then asked Oklahoma City and Randy Orton what
they wanted to talk about – but not until after the crowd
broke into a “Randy!” chant. Cody said he might look like a
fool by teaming with Roman Reigns, but Cody then asked Orton
if he’d rather be a fool or a coward. Cody talked about how
Roman gave Cody his word multiple times and he hasn’t lied
yet. As such, Cody said he’s going to take Roman at his
word. Cody said the fans will also take Roman at his word.
“OTC!” chants broke out.

Cody noted how he’s standing there with The Apex Predator
and The Legend Killer and because of that, Orton should
understand because it’s time for the legend of the Bloodline
to be killed. Cody said he hopes it’s not a problem for
Orton and extend his hand. Orton shook Cody’s hand. Orton
said it’s not a problem – unless Cody makes it a problem. On
cue, Kevin Owens’s music hit and Owens made his entrance
wearing an RKO shirt. Before Owens could speak, Solo Sikoa’s
music hit and the Bloodline made their entrance.

Sikoa had a microphone and spoke while standing in the
entrance way. Sikoa started by telling Oklahoma City to
acknowledge him. In response, everyone booed. “OTC!” chants
followed those boos. Sikoa said he knows Roman gave Cody his
word and Cody should trust Roman because Cody will need
Roman. Sikoa said Owens and Orton won’t be any good for Cody
at the end of the day. Sikoa rightfully pointed out that
each time Cody tried to take out The Bloodline alongside
Orton and Owens, they couldn’t take The Bloodline out. Sikoa
said the reason Cody will team with Reigns is because Owens
and Orton always let Cody down.

Owens chimed in and told Sikoa to “shut his stupid face.”
Owens challenged The Bloodline to a team match. Cody tried
to make it a six-man tag, but Owens said no to that,
stopping Cody from talking and issuing the challenge.
Owens’s music hit without Sikoa responding and the segment


– Nia Jax and Tiffany Stratton were backstage and Jax was
annoyed. Jax said she doesn’t understand how they didn’t get
rid of either Bayley or Naomi last week. Jax grabbed
Stratton by the neck and Stratton apologized for last week.
Jax said if it ends bad for Jax, it will end really, really
bad for Stratton. Jax then smiled and said they could be
friends again after the intensity lessened. The camera
stayed on Stratton’s face long after Jax left and Stratton
looked angry.

Bayley defeated Naomi to become the No. 1 contender for the
WWE Women’s Championship. [10:01]

This was a good match and I’m glad they got 10 minutes. The
post-match stuff with Naomi has me thinking we’re on our way
to a turn, and it’ll be welcome because Naomi has been
spinning her wheels since coming back as a babyface. Maybe a
heel turn could give her act a spark that kicks things into
gear. The Jax/Bayley rematch combined with the elongated
Stratton angry face from her segment with Jax makes me
believe we might be getting that Stratton cash-in sooner
than later, which is another good thing, too, because I have
officially lost all patience for all things MITB, even
though we’re only a few months removed from it. Anyway, lots
of good stuff all around.

Naomi went for an early pin, but Bayley thwarted it. Naomi
kept trying until Bayley almost went to punch Naomi but
stopped herself because the two are friends. Naomi pushed
Bayley repeatedly until Bayley pushed back. Bayley
eventually landed a clothesline for a two count. Bayley went
for a running knee, but Naomi countered with a bulldog.
Naomi super-kicked Bayley and Bayley rolled to the outside,
where Naomi hit a corkscrew plancha before the show went to
a commercial break.

The show returned and Bayley hit an Elbow on Naomi to reset
things. Bayley followed up with a back suplex and a suicide
dive onto Naomi, who was on the outside of the ring. Back in
the ring, Naomi hit a Rearview for a nice near-fall. The two
got to their feel and traded blows until Naomi kicked Bayley
in the head twice. Naomi planted Bayley for a two count.
“This is awesome” chants began. Naomi kicked Bayley and went
to the top for a Blockbuster. Naomi tried to follow it up
with a suplex, but Bayley countered into a suplex of her
own. Bayley then sunset-flipped Naomi into the bottom
turnbuckle, but it didn’t quite go as planned. Still, Bayley
got a two count out of it.

Bayley went for a Bayley to Belly, but Naomi countered and
Bulldogged Bayley into a turnbuckle. Naomi went to the top
and missed what she was going for. Bayley then hit the
Bayley to Belly. Bayley rushed to the top and landed her
signature elbow, which was good enough for the win. After
the match, Naomi looked upset as she walked to the back.


– Footage of the weird post-match stuff between LA Knight
and Andrade aired. Andrade was walking backstage and ran
into Knight. Andrade said real men shake hands to show
respect and as such, Knight lost Andrade’s respect. Out of
nowhere, Carmelo Hayes took Knight out and Andrade looked
confused. Hayes told Andrade, essentially, to meet him in
the ring.

Carmelo Hayes defeated Andrade [16:48]

Boy, this was great. I feel like each week, I say it’s my
favorite in their series, but … well … I think this was my
favorite in their series. Plus, they got nearly 17 minutes.
Great stuff. A clever finish, too, because it felt like Melo
had to get the win to even the series, but these guys had
already pulled out all the stops. So, how does he do it? LA
Knight with an accidental distraction. I’ll say this right
now: Game 7 will need at least a half hour, so put that on a
PLE and get out of the way, Hunter. Please? I half wonder if
that weird post-match moment from last week between Knight
and Andrade was never scripted, but took on a life of its
own, so they thought they’d lean into it this week. Perhaps
we’ll never know. Either way, this was a great match and I
have to think it’ll end up being the match of the night.
Maybe even the match of the week in WWE. These guys are just
so good together.

Andrade had control to begin things and went for a double-
knees, but Hayes moved and draped Andrade over the second
rope. Amazingly, Hayes ran at the draped Andrade and Andrade
pulled off a powerslam while being draped on the second rope
onto the apron. Hayes sold back pain and the show went to a
picture-in-picture. The show returned and Hayes had the
upper hand with a springboard clothesline. Hayes worked a
chin lock. Andrade worked his way out of it and chopped
Hayes, but Hayes responded with punches of his own. The two
eventually hit simultaneous clotheslines to reset the match.
“This is awesome!” chants began.

Back on their feet, the two traded blows. Andrade ultimately
landed a dragon-screw leg whip, but Andrade quickly ran into
a First 48 from Hayes for a two count. Hayes was bleeding
from the mouth. Hayes went for a double-knees, but Andrade
moved and hit a leaping forearm to take back control.
Andrade then landed a double-knees for a good near fall.
Andrade went for The Message, but Hayes countered into
somewhat of a springboard DDT for another good near fall.
The show then went to a second commercial break during the

The show returned and Andrade climbed to the tope rope, but
Hayes cut Andrade off. Hayes tried to set up for a super-
plex, but Andrade headbutted Hayes to the canvas. Andrade
then commenced the double-try moonsault spot and he
connected enough for a two count. “This is awesome!” chants
broke out. Andrade set up for a suplex, but Hayes countered
with a Facebuster and some sort of cutter and Hayes nearly
got the victory. Hayes went to the top, but Andrade cut
Hayes off. Andrade set up for a super-plex, but instead,
Hayes turned things into a neck-breaker/cutter from the top
for a very good near-fall. “Holy s%$@!” chants started.

Hayes went for a Nothing But Net, but Andrade moved and hit
a spinning back elbow that caused Hayes to roll to the
outside. With Hayes on the outside, LA Knight’s music hit
and Knight ran out, but Andrade stopped Knight from
attacking Hayes. Hayes took advantage of that and rolled
Andrade up for the win. Hayes ran to the back after the win
and Andrade and Knight exchanged words inside the ring.
Knight extended his hand for a handshake, but Andrade walked
away and the crowd booed.


– Owens and Orton were talking in the locker room. Cody
Rhodes walked in and asked Owens to talk, but Owens said he
couldn’t at the moment because they were getting ready for
their match. Owens stood up and told Cody to not interfere
in their match later on. Orton said if they need the help,
Orton would love Cody to help and he’d talk to Owens to let
him know Orton gave Cody the OK to help.

– An AJ Styles vignette aired. Turns out, he’ll return next

Michin defeated Piper Niven [8:58]

Hey, it was a lot better than that three minute match these
two had a couple weeks ago. The right person went over,
considering how Michin is the one competing next week in the
Bad Blood go-home edition of SmackDown. It being a Dumpster
Match, I do wonder how much of a role Niven might play, but
maybe Michin will bring some help of her own. The creative
minds have done a good job building this program between
Michin and Green. It isn’t often WWE takes time to develop
things with their mid-card women, but things appear to have
turned a corner in that respect, and that’s great. Next
week’s showdown between Green and Michin should be a lot of

Michin ran at Niven to start the match, but Niven fought
back and ultimately shoulder-blocked Michin to the ground.
Niven ran into a boot from Michin. Niven came back with an
attempted splash, but Michin rolled to the outside where
Chelsea Green distracted Michin and Niven hit a Cannonball
on Michin. The show went to a commercial break. The show
returned and Niven shoulder-blocked Michin through the air.
Niven followed it up with a Cannonball in the corner and got
a two-count.

Niven went for a splash, but Michin moved and hit a ton of
kicks and chops. Michin hit a Crucifix Bomb and that was
enough for a two count. Michin ran the ropes and Niven
caught her for a Sidewalk Slam. Niven dragged Michin to a
corner and went for a Niven Bomb, but Michin moved. It
didn’t matter because Niven came back with a Michinoku
Driver and earned a near-fall. Michin went to the rop, but
Niven cut her off with a slap to the head. Green distracted
the referee and Michin kicked Green off the apron. Niven, in
the meantime, missed a Cannonball attempt on the outside.
Niven returned to the ring and Michin hit Eat Defeat for the


– Next week, AJ Styles returns. Also on tap, #DIY, The
Street Profits and The Bloodline will compete in a triple
threat ladder match for the WWE Tag Team Championship. Plus,
the Dumpster Match between Green and Michin will go down.

– Naomi was walking backstage and Bayley apologized for
beating her earlier. Naomi said Bayley wasn’t sorry, but it
was OK, because if Naomi would have won, she wouldn’t be
sorry either. Naomi said they’ll run it back someday
eventually. Naomi kept walking and Stratton walked into the
picture. Stratton said Naomi will have a good view of Jax
beating down Bayley. Naomi then said she’d go to GM Nick
Aldis to make a match between Naomi and Stratton for next

– A recap of the cinematic angle between Cody and Roman
aired before the main event.

The Bloodline (Solo Sikoa & Jacob Fatu) defeated Kevin Owens
& Randy Orton [15:05]

Lots of nonsense to finish this thing up, but the Bloodline
had to win to give them credibility going into their
showdown with Roman and Cody next weekend. I love the way
Fatu is booked in WWE. At some point, I thought they’d cool
him off as they built the new Bloodline, but they really
haven’t. Instead, he’s the only guy who won’t sell the
suplex onto the commentary table from Orton. Instead, he’s
the one who bounces right back from big moves from big-name
wrestlers. It works and I wonder where he’ll be in six
months. I also kind of wonder why this didn’t main event the
go-home edition of SmackDown next week. Maybe they have
something better planned, but it felt like this would have
been a good way to set up the PLE if they weren’t going to
have Roman on the show. That said, I probably just answered
my own question because my guess is Roman pops up next week
to finish the build. Anyway, a good main event. Chaotic for
a WWE main event, but that’s not a bad thing, especially
considering how monotonous this show has become in recent

Owens and Fatu started the match and Fatu took Owens down
quickly, but Owens came back with an elbow and a Senton.
Sikoa tagged in and ran into a bunch of Owens’s strikes.
Sikoa quickly rebounded and took Owens down. As a result,
Owens tagged in Orton, much to the delight of the live
crowd. Fatu wanted the tag because of that and Fatu tagged
in. “Solo sucks!” chants began. Orton kicked Fatu, but Fatu
fought back and clotheslined Orton over the top rope to the
floor. Fatu followed Orton to the outside, but Orton caught
Fatu and dropped Fatu onto the commentary table, but Fatu
no-sold it. Orton, ever the professional, proceeded to drop
Fatu on the table three more times to make his point. Orton
then did the same to Sikoa and the show went to a commercial

The show returned and Sikoa was working over Owens inside
the ring. The two fought on the top rope and Sikoa fell off
the top, so Owens went for a Swanton, but Sikoa got his
knees up. Fatu tagged in and Fatu whipped Sikoa into Owens
in a corner before Fatu followed it up with a hip attack of
his own on Owens in a corner. Fatu whipped Owens into a
corner and before long, Fatu ran Owens into the heel corner
and tagged Sikoa into the match.

Sikoa jawed at Owens and stomped on him. Fatu hit Owens
while the referee had his back turned and Orton got mad and
ran into the ring, but the ref sent him back to his corner.
Sikoa ran the ropes, but Owens caught him. Eventually, Owens
punched his way out of a lock up with Sikoa and Orton
received the hot tag. Orton came in and cleaned house,
complete with a snap powerslam on Sikoa and Fatu. Orton hit
his draping DDT on Sikoa. Orton set up for an RKO, but Fatu
tried to intervene. It was enough for Sikoa to follow up
with a Samoan Drop on Orton.

Sikoa went to the outside and Owens got up on the apron,
asking for a tag. Owens became the legal man and Owens ran
around the outside of the ring, clotheslining and Swanton-
ing everybody. Owens landed a frog splash on Fatu on the
outside. Owens went to the top and hit a Swanton on Sikoa
inside the ring, but it was good enough for only a near-
fall. Tama Tonga and Tonga Loa ran to ringside and as a
result, Sikoa landed a Spinning Solo on Owens for a near-
fall. Cody’s music hit and Cody came out and took care of
Loa and Tonga. Tonga found himself in the ring and Orton
gave Tonga an RKO.

Things broke down and the heels threw Cody into the referee,
which kept the referee from counting after Owens hit a
Stunner on Sikoa. Owens was angry about that and then turned
into a bunch of super-kicks from Fatu. Sikoa pinned Owens
for the win. After the match, Cody tried to say he was
sorry, but Owens was very mad and Orton tried to reason with
everyone. Ultimately, Owens hugged Cody as the “Executive
Producers – Paul Levesque/Lee Fitting” graphic came up to
end the show.

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