Posted on 9/26/124 by Bob Magee

AEW DYNAMITE: Grand Slam 2024 was broadcast live on TBS from
Arthur Ashe Stadium in Queens, NY!

Excalibur, “The Human Suplex Machine” Taz, Jim Ross, and
Tony Schiavone were the broadcast team for tonight’s event.

It’s Wednesday night and you know what that means!

AEW World Champion “American Dragon” Bryan Danielson
Nigel McGuinness!

Nigel: “I haven’t seen the American Coward all day. He
dropped the ball. I want a 10-count, I want to be declared
the winner, and Danielson should be stripped of the title.”

Referee Paul Turner began the 10-count, waiting for
Danielson to make his entrance.

“Is he here?” asked Tony Schiavone.

“He’s here and he’s ready to fight!” replied Excalibur.

“The Final Countdown” began to play and the champ made his
way to the ring!

They locked up and Nigel nailed Bryan with a European
Uppercut. Danielson fired back with a shot of his own. Nigel
and Bryan chain wrestled, each man trying for wrist control,
each man going move for move.

Nigel and Danielson exchanged European uppercuts. Danielson
kicked the inside of Nigel’s thigh with a round kick. Nigel
crumbled, holding his groin. Nigel had been playing possum
and grounded and pounded Danielson. The champion escaped and
got the mount, clubbing Nigel with strikes. Danielson
transitioned to the LeBell Lock, but Nigel showed great ring
awareness and reached the ropes.

Nigel pulled Danielson by the trunks, sending Danielson
crashing onto the arena floor. Danielson clutched his right
arm. Nigel turned the metal ring steps on their side. Nigel
used a drop toe hold, and Danielson cracked into the steel
steps. Danielson defended with a headbutt and then sent
Nigel headfirst into the ring post!

Nigel went for the Tower of London, but Danielson escaped
and smashed Nigel with the Busaiku Knee! Danielson blasted
Nigel with round kicks. Nigel stunned Danielson with a
combination kick and lariat, good for a near fall on the
champ. Danielson tried for the LeBell Lock, but Nigel hit
Danielson’s right arm that had been tweaked earlier in the
match. Danielson let go, clutching his arm. Nigel drilled
Danielson with a lariat and Danielson kicked out at the one-

Nigel thumbed Danielson in the eyes and followed up with the
ripcord lariat for a near fall on the American Dragon. Nigel
rocked Danielson with hammer and anvil elbow strikes. Nigel
caught Danielson in the Tower of London for a near fall!

The fans chanted “Let’s go Bryan! Let’s go Bryan!”

Nigel locked Danielson in the London Dungeon. Danielson
managed to escape and pounded Nigel with hammer and anvil
strikes. Nigel threw everything he had into a clothesline,
knocking Bryan into next week, but Bryan managed to kick out
at the two-count! Danielson grabbed Nigel in the LeBell
Lock. Nigel fought to escape but it was too much, and Nigel
was forced to tap out and lose by submission!

After the match, Christian Cage walked out of the tunnel
with his challenger contract. Kip Sabian snuck up behind
Christian Cage and grabbed the pen from his hand. Christian
Cage chased Sabian backstage. Christian Cage stopped in his
tracks as he nearly ran into PAC and Claudio Castagnoli!

FTW Championship Match!
HOOK (c.)
Roderick Strong (with the Undisputed Kingdom—Mike Bennett &
Matt Taven)!

Roddy and Hook grappled until Roddy rolled to the ropes. The
Undisputed Kingdom pulled Roderick out of the ring. Hook
pursued Roddy and hammered away at him. Roddy grabbed a
kendo stick and swung it, but Hook dodged it. Hook grabbed
the kendo stick and cracked Roddy and the Undisputed Kingdom
with it! Roddy grabbed Hook and hurled Hook into the ring

Back in the ring the champion mounted a comeback. Hook
hurled Roddy around the ring with Judo throws. Hook hit
Roddy with a Northern Lights Suplex for a near fall.

Taven slid a chair into the ring for Roddy. Roddy wedge the
chair between the turnbuckles. Hook went for the Red Rum,
but Roddy countered by ramming Hook into the steel chair.
Roddy pancaked Hook with a hard mat return for a two-count.

Hook threw Roddy with a single arm Judo throw onto two steel
chairs. Roddy hoisted up Hook and slammed him down onto the
steel chair. Roddy followed up with the Sick Kick, but Hook
kicked out at the three-count!

Hook escaped the End of Heartache attempt, transitioned to
the Red Rum, and Roddy tapped out!

“What a battle between these two guys,” said Taz.

After the match Roderick offered his hand as a sign of
respect. Hook accepted and they hugged.

Tony Schiavone interviewed HOOK after the match.

HOOK: “All good things must come to an end. So on behalf of
my family, I’d like to thank each and every wrestler who has
competed for this championship right here. And I’d like to
thank each and every one of you fans who supported this FTW
Championship. The FTW Championship is officially retired.”

HOOK handed the title to Taz and father and son hugged.

AEW World Tag Team Championship Match!
The Young Bucks—Matthew & Nicholas Jackson (c.)
AEW International Champion “The Aerial Assassin” Will
& “The Protostar” Kyle Fletcher!

Don Callis joined the announcers at the desk for this match.

The Bucks connected with a double back elbow to Kyle
Fletcher. Will and Kyle used a double hip toss on Nichoas.
Will moonsaulted off Fletcher’s back and onto the Bucks.
Fletcher and Ospreay followed up with moonsaults off the
turnbuckles and onto the Bucks on the arena floor!

Ospreay connected with a standing sky twister press on
Nicholas for a near fall! Nicholas ducked the Hidden Blade
attempt and countered with a corkscrew kick. Matthew tagged
in and covered Ospreay for a near fall after Nicholas nailed
Will with a knee strike. The Bucks followed up with a senton
power bomb combo. Kyle jumped in to break up the pin

“The champions are keeping Will Ospreay isolated,” said

Ospreay rocked Nicholas with a double Os-Cutter, but
Nicholas kicked out at the two-count. Fletcher ran through a
double clothesline attempt. Ospreay stunned Matthew with the
Hidden Blade!

Nicholas punted Fletcher from the apron and followed up with
a hurracanrana to Ospreay! Matthew picked up Fletcher and
Matthew jumped off the top turnbuckle for a stuffed pile
driver on Fletcher! Ospreay and Fletcher nailed the Bucks
with double Styles Clashes. Ospreay blasted Matthew with the
Hidden Blade and the Storm Breaker, but Nicholas jumped in
to make the save for his brother!

The fans chanted “This is awesome! This is awesome!”

Ospreay was looking for the Tiger Driver 91 on Matthew, but
Nicholas countered with a superkick. Nicholas smashed
Fletcher with a bulldog. Ospreay broke up the More Bang For
Your Buck attempt. Fletcher picked up Matthew and Ospreay
assisted with a TK Driver on Matthew for a near fall. They
followed up with the Coriolis, but Matthew kicked out again!

“What is Matthew made of?” asked Excalibur.

Fletcher blasted Matthew with a top rope brain buster.
Nicholas broke up the pin attempt, barely saving his
brother. Fletcher flew out of the ring with a tope suicida
to Nicholas. Don Callis handed Fletcher a screw driver.

Don Callis distracted the referee and went to use the
screwdriver, but Ospreay pulled it away, handing it to the
ref. As the ref had his back turned, Matthew and Nicholas
each smashed the championship title into Fletcher’s head!
Matthew covered Fletcher but Fletcher kicked out at the two-
count! The Bucks superkicked Fletcher and then Nicholas
pinned him after the BTE Trigger!

Renee Paquette was backstage with The Conglomeration and
Rocky Romero!

Orange Cassidy said Rocky was officially part of the

Prince Nana provided an update on Swerve Strickland!

Prince Nana: “First off, Prince Nana has to say it’s good to
be in New York in Swerve’s House. Mentally, there is nothing
that can stop the most dangerous man in AEW. But physical,
Swerve is not cleared to comeback but he’s fighting hard
every single day for each and every one of you!”

Prince Nana was interrupted by…MVP!

MVP: “Swerve Strickland is the most dangerous man in AEW. No
question about it. It’s my opinion that Swerve is the most
phenomenal talent to ever step foot in an AEW ring. Eight
months without being pinned or submitted.

“I saw Swerve lost the title. I saw Swerve’s childhood house
burn to the ground. Why is the man that beat Swerve walking
around and smiling. Why is the man that burned Swerve’s
house to the ground walking around. I don’t see that as a
failure of Swerve’s. I see that as a failure of Swerve’s
management! Let Swerve know when he’s ready to be taken
seriously again…please give him my business card and I’ll be
ready to talk business.”

TNT Champion “The Scapegoat” Jack Perry was headed to the
arena in his bus! This Saturday on Collision: Grand Slam
there will be an Open Challenge Match for the TNT

AEW Women’s World Championship Match!
“The Glamour” Mariah May (c.) vs. “The Magical Girl” Yuka

Yuka got the jump on Mariah and covered her. Mariah kicked
out at the one-count. Yuka and Mariah traded open palm
strikes. Yuka smashed Mariah with a rolling elbow. Mariah
grabbed the leg of Yuka and pulled her out of the ring.
Mariah loaded up and hit Yuka with a vicious dropkick.

Yuka countered a May Day attempt with a roll-up for a two-
count. Yuka used a backslide for a near fall on the
champion. Mariah headbutted Yuka and then planted Yuka with
a German Suplex.

Mariah smashed Yuka with a knee to the face. Mariah spiked
Yuka with the Storm Zero and pinned Yuka, retaining the
championship. Willow Nightingale sprinted to the ring and
intervened, preventing Mariah May from doing more damage.
Mina Shirakawa came out, but she inadvertently caused a
distraction as Mariah whacked Willow in the head with the

Number One Contender’s Match! Darby’s AEW World Title Shot
Is On The Line!
Darby Allin vs. Jon Moxley (with Marina Shafir)!

Moxley battered Darby in the corner with chops. Moxley
gouged Darby’s eyes. Darby’s mouth was busted wide open
after Mox put Darby’s mouth on the ring ropes and then
kicked the ropes! Moxley whipped Darby into the turnbuckles.
The momentum was so fierce that Darby careened right out of
the ring.

Darby attacked Moxley’s triceps. Darby nailed Mox with a
Coffin Drop to the arena floor! Darby rocketed out of the
ring a second time, wiping out Moxley! Marina stepped up to
Moxley, which gave Mox enough time to collect his thoughts.
Moxley body slammed Darby onto the edge of the ring.

Moxley swung at Darby with a lariat to the throat. Moxley
followed up with kicks to Darby’s spine. Darby drilled Mox
with a cutter out of nowhere. Darby dropkicked Moxley from
the top rope to the chest. Darby connected with a Code Red
on Moxley for a near fall!

Darby ripped off the top turnbuckle pad. Darby tried to send
Moxley headfirst into the exposed turnbuckle steel. Mox
fought off Darby and countered with a John Woo style
dropkick. Darby rallied back with an arm bar on Moxley.

Moxley paint brushed Darby, knocking Darby out of the ring
and to the arena floor. Marina helped Moxley peel back the
thin pads on the arena floor. Moxley said, “He asked for

Moxley went for the Death Rider, but Darby slipped out of
it. Darby went for a tope suicida, but Moxley moved out of
the way. Darby crashed onto the floor boards! Moxley hurled
Darby onto the steel ring steps! Darby jumped into the ring,
breaking the ref’s count just in the nick of time.

The fans chanted “You can’t kill him! You can’t kill him!”

“Moxley is pissed off because Darby is still breathing,”
said Jim Ross.

Darby side stepped Moxley and Moxley collided headfirst into
the exposed steel turnbuckle. Darby went for a Coffin Drop
but Mox countered with a body lock submission. Mox
transitioned to a bulldog choke. Darby made the crawl to the
ropes, forcing the break!

“Bottom line: he’s still in it!” said Jim Ross.

Darby was looking for a superplex. Marina got onto the ring
apron to distract Darby. Moxley seized the moment to nail
Darby with an avalanche Death Rider! Moxley covered Darby
and pinned Darby, earning a title shot for the AEW World
Championship at Wrestle Dream!

“One of the most amazing counters I’ve ever seen,” said Jim

Bryan Danielson sprinted down to the ring and tried to choke
out Moxley with a neck tie! Marina grabbed Danielson, and
with the help of Pac and Claudio Castagnoli, they pulled
Danielson off. Private Party and Komander tried to help
Danielson but Pac, Moxley, Marina, and Claudio were too much
for them to handle.

Danielson: “Mox! You said you wanted war. I declare war!
Here’s the thing. You want a shot at my championship, you
got it! Me and you at Wrestle Dream and I’m going to kick
your head in!”

Excalibur relayed breaking news from Tony Khan: this
Saturday at Collision: Grand Slam, it’ll be PAC, Claudio
Castagnoli, and Wheeler Yuta defending the AEW World Trios
titles against Private Party and Komander!

This Friday tune in to AEW RAMPAGE at 10/9c on TNT!

Don’t miss AEW COLLISION: Grand Slam on Saturday on TNT at
8/7c from Arthur Ashe Stadium in Queens, NY!

Catch AEW DYNAMITE: 5th Year Anniversary on TBS next
Wednesday live at 8/7ct from the Petersen Events Center in
Pittsburgh, PA!

Tickets On Sale Now! –

Mark your calendar! AEW WrestleDream is taking place at the
Tacoma Dome on Saturday, October 12th, and will also be live
on pay-per-view! Secure your tickets now!

And remember… We are AEW—Where The Best Wrestle!

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