Flophouse Wrestling September 22 Lincoln Park, MI results

Posted on 9/24/124 by Leonard Brand


LINCOLN PARK - Flophouse Wrestling at The 8th Side Game
Store: Joseph Antonio Guerrero defeated El Noctambulo & Devon
Ryker…Thomas Bailey pinned Kenny Urban…Xander Bennett pinned
Tommy Rinks…Kevin Storm pinned Sean Estevas…Remington Rhor
pinned Mason Keller…Brutus Dylan pinned Cool Cat…Brutus Dylan
pinned Radical…Brutus Dylan…Rory Shied pinned Juniper…Saloon
Slayers (Ace Evans & Eddie Dylan) defeated Golden Empire (TJK
& August Albright)…Schwartzy defeated Joel Bateman by
submission…Remington Rhor defeated Thomas Bailey, Xander
Bennett, & Kevin Storm to win the 8th Side championship belt.

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