Posted on 9/21/124 by Bob Magee

We are on the road to AEW Grand Slam 2024! This episode of
AEW RAMPAGE was broadcast on TNT from the Mohegan Sun Arena
in Wilkes-Barre, PA!

Ian Riccaboni, Excalibur, and “Daddy Magic” Matt Menard were
the broadcast team tonight!

It’s Friday and you know what that means! The fastest hour
in professional wrestling!


ROH World Champion Mark Briscoe vs. “The Bad Apple” Bryan

Bryan Keith went right at Briscoe, but Briscoe turned the
tables with chops and stomps. Briscoe caught Keith with a
hell stab in the throat. Chicken took flight with boots to
Bryan’s face.

Briscoe was looking for the Cactus elbow drop but Keith
rolled out of the way. Briscoe suplexed Keith on the arena
floor and then finally leveled Keith with the Cactus elbow
drop! Back in the ring, Briscoe served up more redneck kung

Mark set up a steel chair in the ring. Bryan Keith knocked
the chair down. As the ref was grabbing the chair, Keith
seized the moment and connected with a low blow for a near
fall on Briscoe.

Bryan Keith headbutted Briscoe, bringing the fight to the
ROH World champion. The Bad Apple nailed Mark with a snap
suplex on the arena floor.

The fans chanted “Dem Boys! Dem Boys! Dem Boys!”

Briscoe was motivated by the chants, got to his feet and
blasted Bryan with a back elbow. Keith cracked Briscoe with
a headbutt. Briscoe blocked a diamond dust attempt. Briscoe
superplexed Keith, sending both men crashing hard to the

Briscoe sent Keith flying with a uranage, but Keith got to
his feet and launched Briscoe with an exploder suplex! Bryan
headbutted Briscoe, but it only served to fire up Mark

Briscoe drilled Keith with a Spicolli Driver! Keith dodged
the Froggy Bow. Keith clocked Briscoe with a knee strike!
Briscoe powered out of the diamond dust and connected with a
lariat, and then a second lariat. Briscoe spiked Keith with
the Jay Driller and scored the pin!

After the match, “The Learning Tree” Chris Jericho ambushed
Briscoe with a baseball bat! Orange Cassidy sprinted to the
ring to come to the aid of Briscoe. Big Bill blindsided
Orange with a big boot to the face! Kyle O’Reilly came down
to even up the odds, but Big Bill planted Kyle with a choke

AEW World Trios Champion Wheeler Yuta vs. The Butcher!

Butcher grabbed Yuta with a half nelson into a back breaker,
stunning Yuta, who seemed distracted. Butcher carved up
Yuta’s chest with a stiff chop. Butcher hoisted up Wheeler
and dropped him across the guardrail.

Butcher slapped Yuta and it seemed to reignite the fire in
Yuta’s belly. Yuta planted Butcher with a shotgun dropkick.
Yuta unleashed hell on Butcher in the corner with strikes
and forearms.

Yuta held onto Butcher and decimated him with two German
Suplexes, followed up by hammer and anvil elbow strikes!
Yuta flattened Butcher, locked on the Cattle Mutilation, and
Butcher was forced to tap out!

MxM Collection—Mansoor and Masen Madden—were backstage with
harsh words for The Acclaimed!

MxM Collection took Max Caster’s jacket and said they were
giving it a makeover, but Caster would have to wait for it!

Hikaru Shida vs. The Outcasts’ Harley Cameron (with Saraya)!

Shida grabbed Harley and swung her around, planting her with
a mat return. Shida followed up with a running knee strike,
as Harley was draped over the edge of the apron. Harley
swept out Shida’s legs and rammed her shoulder into Shida.

Shida cracked Harley with a running knee strike in the ring.
Saraya jumped on the apron and distracted Shida. Harley
connected with a kick to Shida’s head for a near fall!

The two traded pinning combinations. Shida blocked a knee
strike and countered with a question mark kick! Saraya
yelled at Shida. As Shida turned her head to look at Saraya,
Harley clocked Shida with another knee strike. Saraya held
up the kendo stick. Jamie Hayter ran down and pulled the
kendo stick away from Saraya. Shida spiked Harley with a
Falcon Arrow and pinned Harley.

After the match, Hayter handed Shida her kendo stick back.
They shook hands. Saraya grabbed a microphone and challenged
Hayter to a “Saraya’s Rules” Match next week at Grand Slam!
Hayter accepted, saying, “See you in New York!”

Roderick Strong (with Undisputed Kingdom’s Mike Bennett &
Matt Taven)
& The Beast Mortos
Joe Keys & Marcus Mathers!

Roddy clubbed Mathers with cross face shots. The Beat Mortos
tagged in and hoisted Keys, planting him with a back
breaker. Roddy and Mortos used tandem offense, double
covered the competition, and scored a double pin!

“Roderick and The Beast Mortos are looking impressive ahead
of the All Star 10 Man Tag Match tomorrow night on
Collision,” said Excalibur.

“The Virtuosa” Deonna Purrazzo was backstage!

Deonna: “I came here to make art. Beautiful art and violent
art. And I’ve made it clear that I’ve only just begun. I may
have come here alone. But recently I’ve been reminded that
I’ve never truly been alone. Over the course of my career
I’ve cultivated a network of friends and associates, people
willing to repay my generosity with loyalty.”

Taya Valkyrie walked into frame and put her hand on Deonna’s

Deonna: “If you think I’m dangerous, just wait until you see
this thing of ours.”

Rampage Main Event Time! Four Way Match!
Lio Rush (with Action Andretti)
vs. Rocky Romero
vs. Kip Sabian
vs. “The Prodigy” Nick Wayne!

Lio was a step ahead of Nick Wayne and caught him with a
clothesline. Sabian hit an Arabian press on Rocky and Nick.
Lio Rush rocketed out of the ring with a tope suicida to Kip

Lio nailed Kip with a stunner. Lio rolled up Rocky for a
near fall. Kip fired back with a knee strike to Lio Rush’s
face. Nick Wayne hit a snap suplex on Rocky. Lio Rush was
taken off his feet with a back body drop by Nick Wayne!

Rush rocked Wayne with a standing Spanish Fly! Sabian flew
through the air off the top rope with a dropkick to Rush.
Sabian followed up with a cannonball, crushing Lio in the
corner. Rocky grabbed Kip with a Northern Lights Suplex.
Rocky unloaded the forever clotheslines on the other three

Nick Wayne and Kip Sabian traded strikes. Sabian blocked the
Wayne’s World and countered with a half and half suplex. Lio
went for a frog splash, but Wayne caught him with a cutter!
Sabian grabbed Wayne, looking for a burning hammer, but
Wayne escaped. Sabian drove Rocky down, hard onto the mat,
but Nick Wayne pulled Sabian away and stole the pin!

“Veteran move there by Nick Wayne,” said Ian.

Don’t miss AEW COLLISION on Saturday on TNT at 8/7c from the
MassMutual Center in Springfield, MA!

Catch AEW DYNAMITE: Grand Slam on TBS next Wednesday live at
8/7ct from Arthur Ashe Stadium in New York, NY!

Tickets On Sale Now! –

Mark your calendar! AEW WrestleDream is taking place at the
Tacoma Dome on Saturday, October 12th, and will also be live
on pay-per-view! Secure your tickets now!

And remember… We are AEW—Where The Best Wrestle!

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