Posted on 9/19/124 by Bob Magee

We are on the road to AEW Grand Slam 2024! AEW DYNAMITE was
broadcast live on TBS from the Mohegan Sun Arena in Wilkes-
Barre, PA!

Excalibur, “The Human Suplex Machine” Taz, and Tony
Schiavone were the broadcast team for tonight’s event.

It’s Wednesday night and you know what that means!

“The Learning Tree” Chris Jericho (with “The Redwood” Big
Bill & “The Bad Apple” Bryan Keith
“Freshly Squeezed” Orange Cassidy (with The Conglomeration’s
Kyle O’Reilly & ROH World Champion Mark Briscoe)!

All six men brawled at the start of the match, despite this
being a one on one match. Orange and Jericho wrestled in the
ring until Cassidy took flight and took out Keith and Bill
on the arena floor. Mark Briscoe followed up with a dive
onto the pile. Chris Jericho teased a tope but Cassidy
clobbered Jericho with an Orange Punch for a near fall!

Orange Cassidy flew out of the ring with a tope suicida to
The Learning Tree! Jericho chopped at Cassidy’s chest.
Orange used the ropes to propel himself back into the ring
with a splash on Jericho.

Jericho countered a diving hurracanrana with the Walls!
Jericho followed up with a running power slam. Jericho
charged at Cassidy with a shoulder block, propelling Orange
out of the ring and into the barricade. Jericho nailed
Orange with a lionsault, but Orange kicked out at the two-

Orange staggered Jericho with a Stundog Millionaire and then
a Michinoku Driver for a near fall. Jericho countered an
elbow drop by lifting his knees into Orange’s ribs. Orange
tried to rally back with a DDT on the floor, but Jericho
countered with a catapult, sending Orange into the
guardrail! Jericho backdropped Orange through the
timekeeper’s table!

Jericho and Cassidy exchanged strikes inside the ring. Both
men collapsed. They fired off forearms from their knees.
Orange connected with a thrust kick. Jericho took Cassidy
off his feet with a clothesline.

Jericho countered a DDT with the Walls on Cassidy. Orange
army crawled to the bottom rope, but Big Bill blasted Orange
in the face with a big boot! Jericho covered Orange but
Orange kicked out at the two-count. Kyle ran down to even up
the odds for Orange.

Orange rolled up Jericho in a small package for a near fall.
Jericho planted Orange with a Death Valley Driver for a two-
count! Cassidy drilled Chris with a desperation DDT, and
then spiked Chris with a second DDT!

Cassidy connected with a diving DDT from the top rope, but
Jericho kicked out! Cassidy sized Jericho up for the Orange
Punch but Jericho countered with the Code Breaker for a near

The fans chanted “This is awesome! This is awesome!”

Orange ducked the Judas Effect attempt and countered with
the Beach Break, but Jericho raised his shoulders before the
three-count. Bryan Keith ran down, but Briscoe chased after
him. As ref Aubrey Edwards was distracted by Bryan Keith and
Briscoe brawling on the apron, Jericho pulled out a roll of
quarters. Orange kicked Jericho, knocking the quarters out
of Jericho’s hands. Orange caught the roll of quarters and
smacked Jericho with a loaded Orange Punch, scoring the pin!

Footage aired from the AEW World Trios Champions Claudio
Castagnoli and PAC!

Pac said Wheeler Yuta had to show up next week to wrestle.
Claudio said he thought he taught Wheeler Yuta better. “Do
us one favor and show up next week to help us defend the
championships,” said Claudio.

Jon Moxley and Marina Shafir walked up to the camera. Moxley
said Yuta had a responsibility to the greater good. “What
kind of man did we teach you to be?” wondered Moxley.

Alex Marvez was backstage, hoping to get a word with Wheeler

Yuta: “Obviously I’m pretty conflicted based on recent
events. But I’ve worked my whole career to be a champion. My
head has been all over the place. If there’s one thing I’ve
learned from Bryan Danielson, it’s that you don’t change who
you are just because the people around you are changing.”

Yuta said he’d show up next week to help defend the AEW
World Trios Championships with Claudio and PAC.

FTW Champion HOOK vs. JD Ink!

Roderick Strong and the Undisputed Kingdom joined the
broadcast booth for this match.

Hook clobbered Ink with a lariat and then a suplex. Hook
smashed JD with dangerous cross faces. Hook locked on the
Red Rum and JD Ink immediately tapped!

“Maybe he’ll give me some attention now,” said Roderick

Roderick was surrounded by Matt Taven and Mike Bennett,
along with AEW security, protecting him from Hook, ahead of
their match next week.

Alex Marvez interviewed Private Party backstage!

Private Party dared Claudio, Pac, and Yuta to put their
belts on the line next week at Grand Slam!

Renee Paquette interviewed The Patriarchy backstage!

Christian Cage: “I’d like to take a moment to talk about my
prodigy Nick Wayne who has a match this Friday on Rampage.
I’ve decided he and I will hold championships at the same
time. That won’t make it nice in the Moxley household. He
doesn’t have the open contract that I have.”

Kip Sabian approached Christian Cage and tried to say there
were no hard feelings. Christian Cage gave Kip a stern
warning not to come near them again.

AEW Women’s World Champion “The Glamour” Mariah May & “The
Professor” Serena Deeb
Queen Aminata & Yuka Sakazaki!

Deeb and Yuka traded a flurry of offense, but it was a
stalemate in the early goings. Queen Aminata grabbed a tag
and dropkicked Deeb, but Mariah May was busy kissing her
championship belt.

Deeb caught Queen Aminata with a dragon screw through the
ropes. Deeb didn’t get much help from Mariah throughout the

Yuka took down Mariah with a hurracanrana and then a rising
knee strike. Yuka nailed Deeb with a Northern Lights Bomb.
Yuka suplexed Mariah onto Deeb, covering Deeb for a near

Yuka sent Deeb for a ride with the Merry Go Round! Yuka
wiped out the competition with a springboard splash! Yuka
followed up with the Magical Girl Splash onto Deeb, but
Mariah blindsided Yuka, cracking her on the side of the head
with the belt. The ref disqualified Mariah and Deeb.

Mariah whipped Yuka with the championship belt and then
kissed her on the cheek.

A Mina Shirakawa video package aired!

Mina: “Mariah, you said you want me? We had so many good
times together and we can even more. In my heart I want
Mariah. Do you really want Mina? Does AEW really want Mina?
Get ready because Mina is coming!”

A video package aired hyping next week’s match between
former ROH World Champion Nigel McGuinness and AEW World
Champion “American Dragon” Bryan Danielson, contingent on if
Bryan is medically cleared.

Up next: Jon Moxley, who was joined by Marina Shafir and
Claudio Castagnoli approached the ring!

Private Party ambushed Moxley and Claudio! It didn’t work
out though, as the BCC got the upper hand. Marina stomped on
Zay after Moxley threw him into the steel ring steps.
Komander appeared out of nowhere and dropkicked Claudio.
Komander took flight but Claudio wiped him out with a
European Uppercut! Marian took Alex Abrahantes down with a
judo throw.

Moxley pulled a toolbox out from beneath the ring. Claudio
and Marina held down Zay. Moxley broke Zay’s hand with a
hammer! Darby Allin got into the ring and he and Moxley
faced off ahead of their match next week. Marina held back
Claudio. Darby swung the skateboard at Moxley, but Moxley
dodged it and jumped out of the ring!

Darby: “Jon Moxley, when are you going to realize I’m not
the same guy you met five years ago. I’m going to run
through you a Grand Slam and then I’m walking into Wrestle
Dream where I will become the next AEW World Champion!”

Ricochet vs. The Beast Mortos!

Ricochet went right after the Beast Mortos, coming out of
the gates hot. The Beast hoisted up Ricochet and threw
Ricochet into the corner. Mortos charged at Ricochet, but
Ricochet dodged it. Ricochet followed up with a tope suicida
to Mortos!

Ricochet grabbed a near fall on Mortos after a running,
shooting star press. Mortos and Ricochet went move for move
and the fans gave it a standing ovation! Mortos caught
Ricochet as Ricochet flipped over the rope to the outside.
Mortos power bombed Ricochet onto the ring apron!

Mortos rocked Ricochet with a Samoan Drop for a near fall!
Mortos cracked Ricochet with a headbutt. Ricochet used
Mortos’ momentum against him, sending Mortos out of the
ring. Ricochet wrecked Mortos with a Code Red on the arena
floor, countering a power bomb!

Ricochet hit a 450 splash but somehow Mortos kicked out at
the two-count! The Beast Mortos walloped Ricochet with a
press slam from the top rope!

“That was wild right there,” said Taz.

The fans chanted “A-E-W! A-E-W!”

Ricochet blasted Mortos with a crucifix bomb! Ricochet
finished off Mortos with the Vertigo and pinned him!

“Ricochet earned every bit of that victory, as the Beast
Mortos came to fight tonight,” said Excalibur.

“Ricochet showed why he’s a special athlete,” replied Taz.

Tony Schiavone was in the ring to interview “Hangman” Adam

Hangman: “I have watched, and I have listened for a long
while because I knew a day like this would come, when Swerve
Strickland was dealt with, and he would be gone! And I knew
that it wouldn’t be just Swerve who had to pay. There were
people who protected him from me, and people who supported

“And apparently, I am surrounded by them now. People who
would cheer Swerve all the way to the AEW World
Championship. People who would cheer Swerve when he was
finally locked in a cage with his fate! And when I hear
those voices, I’m reminded of the four months I sat at home
suspended. And I’m reminded I seem to hear another voice
loud and clear, above them, a voice coming clear from the
commentary desk.”

Schiavone: “Now listen, Jeff Jarrett—”

Hangman: “Jeff Jarrett is not here with me, but you are!”

Jeff Jarrett stormed to the ring! Hangman clubbed Jarrett as
Jarrett tried to enter the ring! Hangman whipped Jeff into
the barricade. Hangman went for the Buckshot Lariat, but
security jumped into the ring and separated the two men!

Jeff Jarrett: “Hangman Page, I’ll be damned if I’m going to
sit back there and let you put one finger on Tony Schiavone.
As a matter of fact, there’s an entire dressing room in the
back that wants to beat the hell out of you, and the Last
Outlaw is in the front of the line!

“Hanger, I’m going to make a promise to you. If it’s the
last thing I do in my career, somehow, somewhere, some
place, the Last Outlaw is going to kick your ass!”

Renee Paquette tried to interview Ricochet backstage, but
Will Ospreay interrupted!

Ospreay offered his hand to Ricochet. Ricochet said, “You
told me to get my wins up and come see you. Let me show you
how it is from my perspective. From the moment I stepped
foot in AEW, everyone has been calling me out to try to
prove they’re better than me.

“It seems everyone is more worried about you than they are
about me. No one has been calling you out. So let me do the
honors. In two weeks, I hope you’re not too busy. I took
your advice. I talked to Tony. And on October 2nd, it’s
going to be Ricochet versus Will Ospreay for the
International Championship. I’ll be seeing you soon. Real
soon, little bro.

Dynamite Main Event Time! Trios Match!
The Elite—AEW Continental Champion “The Rainmaker” Kazuchika
Okada & AEW World Tag Team Champions The Young Bucks—
Nicholas & Matthew Jackson
AEW International Champion “The Aerial Assassin” Will
Ospreay & The Don Callis Family— “The Alpha” Konosuke
Takeshita & “The Protostar” Kyle Fletcher!

Don Callis joined the commentary team for this match.

Nicholas hammered at Flecher with clubbing blows. Fletcher
used his size advantage to hit a shoulder tackle. Ospreay
tagged in and they used tandem offense on Nicholas.

Okada grabbed a tag. Ospreay and Okada had a stare down.
Ospreay took down Okada with a hurracanrana. Takeshita
tagged himself in. Okada shoved Will into Takeshida. The
Elite posed outside the ring, but Ospreay and the Callis
Family hit sliding dropkicks and then topes onto the Elite!

Fletcher tagged in but Matthew Jackson blindsided him.
Fletcher broke through with a double clothesline on the
Bucks. Fletcher cracked the Bucks with a running kick in the
corner. Fletcher spiked Nicholas with a brain buster for a
near fall!

Okada came steaming into the ring. Okada battered Fletcher
with three consecutive upper cuts and followed up with the
Michinoku Driver! Takeshita tagged in and nailed Okada with
the Takeshida Line. Takeshita nailed Okada with a brain
buster and then a senton off the middle rope!

Takeshita planted Okada with a Blue Thunder Bomb and then
Okada got his clock cleaned with a triple dropkick. Okada
fired back with a shotgun dropkick!

The fans chanted “A-E-W! A-E-W! A-E-W!”

Okada rocked Takeshita with a nasty neck breaker! The Bucks
doubled teamed Takeshita with Risky Business. Okada followed
up with an elbow drop on Takeshita. The Bucks went for an
EVP Trigger, but Takeshita avoided it! Takeshita hit both
Bucks with a stereo German Suplex!

Will Ospreay tagged in and used a standing sky twister press
on Matthew. Will ducked a rainmaker clothesline but ate two
superkicks from the Bucks. Fletcher jumped in to break up
the pin attempt on Ospreay.

The fans chanted “This is awesome! This is awesome!”

The Bucks pumped up their sneakers. Will blocked superkicks
but the odds were against him, and they broke Ospreay down.
Fletcher and Ospreay used combination on Matthew, but Okada
jumped in to break it up.

Okada got planted by Takeshita’s Blue Thunder Bomb! Nicholas
smashed Fletcher with a face buster. The Bucks tried for the
TK Driver, but Kyle escaped and nailed Matthew with a
twisting tombstone piledriver, but Nichoals broke up the pin
attempt. Fletcher and Ospreay used the Coriolis on Matthew
and Fletcher picked up the pinfall victory for the team!

This Friday tune in to AEW RAMPAGE at 10/9c on TNT!

Don’t miss AEW COLLISION on Saturday on TNT at 8/7c from the
MassMutual Center in Springfield, MA!

Catch AEW DYNAMITE: Grand Slam on TBS next Wednesday live at
8/7ct from Arthur Ashe Stadium in New York, NY!

Tickets On Sale Now! –

Mark your calendar! AEW WrestleDream is taking place at the
Tacoma Dome on Saturday, October 12th, and will also be live
on pay-per-view! Secure your tickets now!

And remember… We are AEW—Where The Best Wrestle!

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