Cottage Hills Wrestling Alliance September 14 Glen Carbon, IL results

Posted on 9/16/124 by Patrick Brandmeyer

GLEN CARBON-Cottage Hills Wrestling Alliance at The Sports
Academy: Kenneth Collins defeated Ricky Rodriguez ... James
Brady pinned Ryxyr Wolfsbane ... Chris Exodus beat P.T.
Beckham in a Bare Knuckle Brawl ... Alister Crow won a
battle royal, last eliminating Quest Parker ... I.P. Mason
defeated International Champion Angelo Grimsley (w/ Raziel)
in a hardcore match to win the title ... Dysfunction
(Brandon Espinosa & Kyle Roberts) beat The Revolution (Quest
Parker & Anthony Lopes) ... 1-Up Champion Karti Marti won a
four-corner match with Garrett Shanks, Noah Clover, and Navi
Kai ... L-Ride (w/ Rocky Baxter) defeated Heavyweight
Champion Makaze in a Maelstrom Of Mayhem Match to win the

Other battle royal participants: Zach Hamilton, Alexis
Valentine, Dante Jupiter, Ramsey Rancid, Isaiah "The
Enforcer" Markel, Iorio The Juggalo, Radical Rick, Sid
Manson, Igor The Mad Russian, Ronin, Chris Exodus, Waylon
Phoenix, and Garrett Shanks.

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