SUE ATCHINSON: Sue Aitchison, WWE employee for 38 years, let go from the company

Posted on 4/13/124 by Colin Vassallo reported today that Sue Aitchison, WWE’s
Director of Community Relations, has been let go from the
company after 38 years of service.

Aitchison, who was very well-loved at WWE, started working
there in March 1986 and was the brains behind all the Make-
A-Wish Foundation wishes and community outreach programs.

In 2019, she received the Warrior Award for her contribution
and she is also a two-time Make-A-Wish Chris Greicius
Celebrity Award Award winner, an award which serves as
recognition and validation of continued support of Make-A-
Wish kids.

Thanks to her help and work, John Cena leads the Make-A-Wish
chart with over 650 wishes granted and WWE continues to be
one of the biggest contributors to the cause to this day.

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