VINCE MCMAHON: Vince McMahon lists his remaining TKO shares for sale

Posted on 4/13/124 by Colin Vassallo

Vince McMahon’s last association with TKO – as a shareholder
of the company – is ending as McMahon has made all his
remaining shares available for sale according to a filing
with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission.

McMahon’s has 8,021,405 shares for sale, and that’s all
that’s left for the former Chairman of the Board to cash in
on. With Friday’s closing, those shares have a value of
nearly $800 million.

When these shares are sold, McMahon will have zero
association left with his former company and goes from the
most powerful man in professional wrestling to being ousted
bit by bit to a point where not only he has no control over
the company but has absolutely nothing else that ties him to

Linda McMahon and Stephanie McMahon still own shares in TKO.
Shane McMahon got rid of all his WWE shares many years ago
and also has nothing to tie him to the company.

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