Bob Magee
Pro Wrestling: Between the Sheets
In case anyone has an issue with me saying in my AS I SEE IT columns that WWE is moving toward a "Fuzzy Bunny versus Sammy Squirrel" type product; and tell me I'm overdoing it about what I say, and want Ian Rotten's IWA Mid-South Wrestling circa 2005 to be what we see on RAW...WWE.com gave us this only hours after I put up last week's column:
To celebrate their first theatrical release in more than a decade – Disney's "The Muppets," opening this Thanksgiving – the Muppets will step into the ring on the Oct. 31 WWE Raw SuperShow to mix it up with the Superstars in Atlanta.
The Muppets. On a professional wrestling show.
And we thought Shock Master and Robo Cup were bad in WCW. Imagine old school Arn Anderson promos on Fozz E. Bear being on the same show with HHH. How about what Steve Austin would be throwing at this in the Attitude era? Somehow, I don't see him cutting it up with Miss Piggy... a middle finger would have been more like it.
Hell, what will CM Punk have to say on air if they let him? I can only imagine what October 31 will feature.
God knows I've nothing against the Muppets at all. This past weekend would have been the late Jim Henson's 75th birthday, in fact. Henson left this world FAR too soon...and would have given even more service to a world that seems to have too much hate and violence. His creations have always taught children (and adults) some great life lessons about tolerance toward others, gentleness toward all, and curiousity about lessons to come.
But on a show whose prime purpose is to show storyline directed violence by people against each other (translation: pretending to beat the crap out of each other and cutting promos)? Not so much.
On the other extreme is yet AGAIN another arrest of Matt Hardy. Just hours after posting a You Tube saying he was going to WWE-sponsored rehabilitation (and the likely reason why he did), Matt Hardy was arrested on drug charges, including anabolic steroids, according to a release from the sheriff's office. He was charged with On Sept. 14, officers conducted the search and seized 20 vials of anabolic steroids, one dosage unit of ecstasy, drug paraphernalia and $1,900 cash, He has been charged with possession with intent to sell/deliver schedule III controlled substance (anabolic steroids), possession of schedule I controlled substance (Ecstasy), maintain a place to keep controlled substance and possession of drug paraphernalia.
Forget his thoughts on Kermit The Frog, can you imagine CM Punk's promo on THAT one if WWE would let him do a promo?
To end on a much happier note, an update on for this year's Toys for Tots events at The Arena in Philadelphia. Arena management, as they have for the last seven years, has offered to possibly have the collections done at more events during the Holiday season than in the past. Combat Zone Wrestling has already agreed, as they have for the last 7 years to do a Toys for Tots at Cage of Death 13 on Saturday, December 3. Cage of Death 13 will be a doubleheader featuring an international mix of Combat Zone Wrestling, Big Japan Pro Wrestling, K-DOJO, and Freedoms. Asylum Arena management has stated that CHIKARA will open up their doors at both their November 12 regular and the December 2 Joshi-Mania event to Toys for Tots collections.
Much, much thanks to both promotions and to Roger Artigiani.
For attending the events that wind up being organized this year, we ask that you please bring an unwrapped toy to the Asylum Arena; and donate it to the Toys for Tots program, who will have collection bins at the entrance of the Arena. The mission and goal of the Toys for Tots program is to collect new, unwrapped toys and distribute those toys as Christmas gifts to needy children in the community. Though a new toy at Christmas, a message of hope is delivered to less fortunate children that will assist them in becoming responsible, productive, patriotic citizens.
Until next time...
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