Bob Magee
Pro Wrestling: Between the Sheets
Combat Zone Wrestling drew its largest Tournament of Death crowd in history, drawing what the promotion estimated at 700 fans; despite the location change forced by the actions of the Pennsylvania State Athletic Commission, a delay of the New York bus traveling to the event causing an hour delay in the start time of the show; along with delays in some of the crew arriving, due to several accidents on I-95 and the NJ Turnpike that morning and afternoon.
It was pretty clear that the promotion was not expecting this large a crowd, with most of the management was frankly shocked (and pleased) at the number of fans that made the trip down to New Castle, DE from the ECW Arena location.
CZW sold out its rather unique Tournament of Death commemorative t-shirt by the second match of the TOD show, but had a second run done for sale at their charity show this past weekend, and for this weekend's doubleheader with CHIKARA. The t-shirt has a graphic for the tournament, along with a message taken straight from a memo sent by Greg Sirb, head of the Pennsylvania State Athletic Commission, with, shall we say, appropriate graphic editing by CZW.
CZW returns to the ECW Arena this Saturday for what should be a newsworthy event, given the recent situation with the PSAC. The promotion is still advertising a no-rope barbed wire match for the show.
While many expect that this match will be allowed (its still being advertised by the promotion as of August 8), given the use of barbed wire at WWE's No Way Out and Hardcore Homecoming...I have to wonder if fans can feel assured of that fact, given the last minute antics played with Tournament of Death by the Pennsylvania State Athletic Commission.
Then there's Frank Talent's presumed return to the ECW Arena for his "supervision" and "collection of taxes" from CZW for the show (along with the inevitable "tip"). Somehow, I imagine the evening of August 13 will be a rather challenging experience for Mr. Talent, as fans may feel called to express their opinions in the way that only Philadelphia fans can.
CZW's return to the ECW Arena and the presence of one of those who "changed their mind" on the promotion is all the more reason for fans to make their feelings heard (in a literate and intelligent way...not by e-mails full of moronic comments or four-letter words) even more loudly...to the Pennsylvania State Athletic Commission, but more importantly to State legislators that fund the Commission...and especially to the Governor's Office.
In the interest of independent wrestling, and of allowing fans to see the kind of product THEY choose to see (which may or may not be hardcore wrestling); instead of the wishes of governmental busybodies who seem to feel the need to give fans wrestling sanitized for their own good...independent wrestling fans ought to contact the Pennsylvania State Athletic Commission.
1) If you're a wrestling fan and you think the fact what the PSAC is doing is as ridiculous as I do, contact the State Athletic Commission at ST-SAC@state.pa.us, by phone at (717) 787-5720, or by fax at (717) 783-0824.
2) Along with these e-mails, send one to the Governor's page at this link and ask why a State governing agency has blatantly allowed TWO companies operating within the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to undertake an action that a competing company is prohibited from doing as part of a performance.
Further, ask them why State officials are allowed to make a public agreement (seen clearly in the photo above) regarding a matter, then go back on this agreement only nine days before an event is to take place, causing material harm to a business operating within the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
3) Ask Pennsylvania State legislators the same questions. The e-mail addresses of the members of the Pennsylvania State House and the members of the Pennsylvania State Senate are available here.
As I said last week, perhaps it's time to ask the Pennsylvania Governor's office if the State Athletic Commission's jurisdiction over wrestling is really necessary anymore; given the trend toward reducing government, and the many other needs of the Commonwealth, including threats of reducing funding of medical coverage for the poor and for mass transit in the two major cities within Pennsylvania.
In an additional note... for those so interested, Frank Talent also has a radio show..every Saturday from 2:00-3:00 pm ET on South Jersey radio station WNJC 1360 AM, called "Frank Talent’s Pro Wrestling and Pro Boxing Radio Show". Outside the South Jersey area, this show can be heard online at WNJC1360.com. If you want to call in to the show, call at (856) 227-1360 or (856) 232-7077. If you do call, call with an intelligent comment about what the Commission's done. Those who can't manage to do that and start screaming like idiots at Talent, deserve to be treated accordingly...and make wrestling fans look exactly like the stereotype Greg Sirb believes them to be.
Until next time....
If you have comments/questions, or if you'd like to add the AS I SEE IT
column to your website, I can be reached by e-mail at bobmagee1@hotmail.com)