It is now October, 1997 and I am sure another debacle is in the works. The question is...what will it be and do they still have the talent to pull of their annual brand of idiocy???? In my estimation, they have never needed talent for their debacle's. Paul Heyman is now at a place in time where he needs to do something to put ECW back on the map with all their recent talent losses. It is a shame that Paul will probably sacrifice one of his workers (or more if need be) to the the wrestling gods all in the name of making up for taking a truly great promotion and shoving it into mediocrity. But there could be a bright spot...if Bubba takes a big enough bump maybe he'll
forget just how big a jerk he is and start focusing back on wrestling instead of thinking that he is the end all of the pro wrestling world.
Fritz Capp is the editor of Pro Wrestling's Between The Sheets - for comments or opposing viewpoints please e-mail to

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